New Privileges

This table lists the new privileges for the Financials offering.

Granted Role Privilege Description

Budgetary Control Management

Create Expense Budget Adjustments from Revenue Funding

Create expense budget adjustments based on funding from revenues.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manage Account Numbers by web service

Allow access to manage b2b account number by web service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

View Account Numbers by web service

Allow access to manage b2b account number by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manage Account Numbers by web service

Allow access to manage b2b account number by web service

Employee Enrollment

View Benefits Self Service Configuration

Allows viewing of self service configurations.

Use REST Service - Worker Bank Accounts

View Bank and Bank Branches Through REST API

Allows access to bank and bank branches list of values REST APIs.

Use REST Service - Worker Bank Accounts Read Only

View Bank and Bank Branches Through REST API

Allows access to bank and bank branches list of values REST APIs.