Generate Lease Payment Invoices

Use the Generate Lease Payment Invoices process to generate your least payment invoices.

To generate invoices, complete these steps:

  1. Click Generate Invoices in the Manage Leases page.
  2. Select the book you want to generate invoices for.
  3. Select the period.
  4. To generate invoices for a specific date range:
    1. Enter the from invoice date.
    2. Enter the to invoice date. The To Invoice Date field populates the last day of the period by default. To generate invoices for a different day, you need to update the invoice date to today's date.
  5. To generate invoices for a specific range of lease numbers, enter the from lease number and to lease number.
  6. Enter the lessor if you're generating invoices for a specific lessor.
  7. Specify whether you want to transfer invoices.
  8. Click Submit.