Email Campaigns

You can send early payment discount offers to suppliers by email using campaign management. You can use the template in Business Intelligence to structure the layout, subject, and content of your emails. The template contains information that suppliers need like offer details, currently eligible invoices, and discount calculation.

Suppliers can use these emails to take an action on the offer. The emails contain response buttons and the responses are automatically processed and applied while processing payment requests.
Supplier's Response Result
Accept a one-time offer Only the invoices that are ready for payment are listed in the email and selected for early payment. Other eligible invoices might be included in future email offers.
Enroll into a standing offer All invoices are paid early on the same terms going forward.
Decline the offer Invoices aren’t carried on to payment. Eligible invoices might be included again in future email offers.
Unsubscribe No further emails from the current campaign are sent to the supplier.

If suppliers accept a one-time offer or enroll into standing offers, payments managers can select the applicable early payment invoices when they initiate payments in Oracle Payables.