Card Processing Validation Errors

When processing credit card transactions provided by card issuers, you may come across some validation errors that you may have to resolve.

This table provides a list of such errors, explains the cause of the errors, and the corrective action you need to take to process the transactions successfully.


Reason for Error

Corrective Action

Inactive corporate card

Corporate card is past its inactive date.

From the Manage Corporate Cards page, open the Edit Corporate Card dialog box.

Update the inactive date of the card.

Run the validation process again.

Inactive employee

Employee is terminated, suspended, or on an unpaid leave.

On the Manage Expenses System Options page, increase the number in the Inactive Employee Grace Period in Days field.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid billed amount

Billed amount has format errors.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, review the transaction and correct the billed amount to fix any formatting errors.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid billed currency code

Billed currency code is either invalid or different from the payment currency configured for the company account.

  1. On the Manage Corporate Card Programs page, select the required corporate card program.

  2. On the Edit Corporate Card Program page, select the required company account.

  3. From the Edit Company Account dialog box, note the payment currency configured for the company account.

  4. Then, on the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, review the transaction and set the billed currency code same as the payment currency you noted earlier.

  5. Run the validation process again.

Invalid billed date

Billed date has format errors.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, review the transaction and correct the billed date.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid corporate card number

Card number provided is invalid.

Review the transaction to verify that actual card number isn't stated in the transaction file.

Contact your card issuer to get the transactions file with tokenized or masked card numbers.

Invalid merchant category code

Merchant category code is null or invalid.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, check the merchant category code and update it if required. For VISA VCF 4.0 files, if the transaction code (Field #18) is 10, 11, 20, 22, or 80, the merchant category code (Field #17) is required. Here are the different values of merchant category code that must be used:

  • If transaction code is 20, merchant category code can be 6010 or 6011.

  • If transaction code is 22, merchant category code should be 6012.

  • If transaction code is 80, merchant category code can be 6050 or 6051.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid merchant name

Merchant name of the transaction is null.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, check the merchant name and update it if required.

For VISA VCF4.0 files, the merchant or supplier name (Field #9) is required in these conditions:

  • The transaction code (Field #18) is 11, 20, 22, or 80.

  • The merchant category code (Field #17) isn't 6012.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid posted amount

Posted amount has format errors.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, review the transaction and correct the posted amount to fix any formatting errors.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid posted currency code

Posted currency code is invalid.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, review the transaction and select the correct posted currency code.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid posted date

Posted date has format errors.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, review the transaction and correct the posted date.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid transaction amount

Transaction amount has format errors.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, review the transaction and correct the transaction amount to fix any formatting errors.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid transaction currency code

Transaction currency code is invalid.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, review the transaction and select the correct transaction currency code.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid transaction date

Transaction date has format errors.

On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, review the transaction and correct the transaction date.

Run the validation process again.

Invalid transaction type

Transaction type is invalid.

  1. On the Review Corporate Card Transactions page, select the transaction and review the details.

  2. For VISA, Amex, and MasterCard transactions, select the correct transaction type from the list. For Diner's Club transactions, enter the correct transaction type.

  3. Run the validation process again

Missing company account

No company account assigned to the card.

From the Manage Corporate Cards page, open the Edit Corporate Card dialog box.

Assign the card to a company account.

Run the validation process again.

Missing default template

No default template available to map card expense types.

On the Manage Expense Report Templates page, ensure that the business unit has a default expense report template. This maps card expense types to application expense types.

Run the validation process again.

Unassigned card

The employee matching process resulted in either multiple employee matches for the new card or no match at all.

From the Manage Corporate Cards page, open the Create Corporate Card or Edit Corporate Card dialog box.

Assign the card to an employee.

Run the validation process again.