Enable Expenses Configurable Email Notifications

You can use workflow email approval notifications to submit approvals to approvers. These approval notifications are based approval notifications that are embedded in emails.

If you want to change the content or appearance of your email approval notifications, you can modify the content or format of the Oracle Analytics Publisher templates.

Before you can use or modify workflow email approval notifications, you must enable in Setup and Maintenance any or all of the following sets with their corresponding notifications:

  • Expense Report Approval Notifications

    • Expense report approval notification

  • Expense Reimbursement Notifications

    • Expense report payment notification to employee (check)

    • Expense report payment notification to employee (direct deposit)

    • Payment to card issuer notification

  • Expense Audit and Receipt Management Notifications

    • Expense report is rejected by auditor

    • Expense report is returned to employee

    • Expense report is short paid due to receipt issue

    • Expense report is adjusted

    • Expense report is short paid due to non-compliance issue

    • Pending payment with warnings

  • Cash Advance Notifications

    • Cash advance approval notification

Enabling Configurable Email Notifications

To enable workflow email approval notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.

  2. In the Offerings work area, select Financials.

  3. Click Opt In Features.

  4. On the Opt In: Financials page, select Expenses.

  5. Click the Edit icon.

  6. On the Edit Features: Expenses page, select Configurable Expenses Email Notifications.

  7. Click the Edit icon.

  8. In the Feature Name: Configurable Expense Email Notifications dialog box, select any or all of the notification sets.

  9. Click Save and Close.

Configure Expense Digest

The expense digest is a notification email delivered to the user's email. A separate digest email is sent to each expense delegate. The email includes an overview of all expenses and highlights the expenses that require the user's attention, such as items with missing information, possible matches to corporate card charges, outstanding corporate card charges, and so on. To do this, you need to be assigned the Corporate Card Account Administration role. You use the options in the Expense Digest section in the Manage Auto Submission and Matching Options page to configure the delivery of expense digest. To access this page, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

  • Offering: Financials

  • Functional Area: Expenses

  • Task: Manage Auto Submission and Matching Options

Here are the different settings you can configure to set up the delivery of expense digest:




Use this option to enable and disable the delivery of email digest. By default, this option is set to Yes.


Specify the days of the week when the email digest is sent to the users. This option is enabled when the Schedule option is set to Yes. Monday is the default day for sending email digests.

Test Notification Email Address

Use this field in the development and test environments to specify a test email to which email digests are delivered. This is helpful in testing if email digests are delivered as required.
Note: The email digests are sent only to the email address specified in this field. If the field is left blank, then the email digests are sent to the employees.