Set Up Approval Rules for Delegated Cash Advance

Oracle Fusion Expenses enables you to delegate cash advance entry to another person on your behalf. In the delegated cash advance process, the cash advance owner needs to approve the cash advance request after the delegated user enters the request.

Then, the request is sent for manager's approval.

If you're an existing customer, the cash advance request is sent for manager's approval directly after the delegated user enters the request. In this case, the cash advance owner need not approve the cash advance request.

However, you can modify the process and add the cash advance owner approval stage to the process.

Here are the steps to add the cash advance owner approval stage to the delegated cash advance process.

  1. Navigate to the Oracle BPM Worklist application.

  2. From the Settings and Actions menu, select Administration. The Administration tab appears.

  3. Click the Task Configuration tab.

  4. In the Tasks to be configured pane, select the FinExmWorkflowCashAdvanceApproval task.

  5. Before you make changes to the workflow, verify these settings:

    1. Click the Assignees tab and verify that the value of the Reviewers field is set as ReviewersForDelegation.

    2. Click the Go to rule icon in the Cash Advance Approval stage and verify that the CashAdvanceOwnerApprovalRule rule file appears in the rule sets list.

    3. Click Notifications tab and verify that REVIEWERS is assigned as the recipient of the Complete task status.

  6. Go back to the Assignees tab.

  7. To modify the workflow, click the Edit icon in the Tasks to be configured pane.

  8. Here is how you add a stage to the workflow:

    1. Click the Edit icon in the first step of the workflow.

    2. Select Add Stage > Add Sequential Stage. A new stage is added to the workflow after the first stage.

  9. Here is how you edit the first stage:

    1. Enter SoaOLabel.CashAdvanceOwner as the participant name.

    2. Select Rule-based for the Assignees based on field.

    3. Click the Edit icon for Business rule, enter CashAdvanceOwnerApprovalRule as the business rule, and then click Create Rule.

    4. Select Advanced.

    5. Select the Specify skip rule check box and enter string-length(/task:task/task:payload/task:SubmitterUserName)=0 in the field. This edits the rule to skip this participant if cash advance submitter is the owner.

    6. In the Tasks to be configured pane, click Save.

  10. Here is how you edit the second stage:

    1. Enter SoaOLabel.CashAdvanceApprover as the participant name.

    2. Select Rule-based for the Assignees based on field.

    3. Enter CashAdvanceApprovalRuleSet as the business rule, and then click Create Rule.

    4. In the Tasks to be configured pane, click Save.

  11. Here is how you edit the CashAdvanceApprovalRuleSet rule file:

    1. Click the Go to rule icon in the second stage.

    2. Select the CashAdvanceApprovalRuleSet rule file.

    3. Set the value of the Starting Participant field to HierarchyBuilder.getManager("supervisory",Task.payload.ownerUserName,-1,"","").

    4. In the Tasks to be configured pane, click Save.

  12. To commit the modified rule set, click the Commit task icon in the Tasks to be configured pane.