Overview of the Chart of Accounts Mapping Page

You can define chart of accounts mappings on the Manage Chart of Accounts Mapping page. The page has three tabs where you can define segment rules, account rules, and multiple source segment rules.

In addition, the page centralizes all the related elements of managing mappings with segment rules and provides efficient tools for creating and editing a large volume of rollup rules. Here’s the list of actions you can take using the Actions menu.

Action What You Use It For
Download Unprocessed Rules Reviewing chart of accounts mappings and segment mapping rollup rules that were loaded from the FBDI template into the interface tables, but not imported into the application.
Upload Rules Uploading chart of accounts mappings and segment mapping rollup rules from the Chart of Accounts Mapping Rules Import file-based data import (FBDI) template into the interface tables.
Import Rules Importing chart of accounts mappings and segment mapping rollup rules from the interface tables into the application.