Components of the Credit Profile

Maintain credit profiles for your customers and customer accounts.

The credit profile contains settings that are used to:

  • Create a line of credit for a customer.

  • Provide an ongoing review of the credit profile of a customer.

  • Contribute to the credit review process for a customer.

The credit profile is integral to managing the credit policies of your enterprise and the creditworthiness of each of your customers.

Define a Credit Profile

You can either enter data directly into a profile page, or use the File-Based Data Import customer import template to enter and upload credit-related information for your customer and customer account profiles.

You can define and maintain credit profiles at the customer level and customer account level only:

  • Define a credit-only profile at the customer, or party, level. The customer credit profile facilitates credit reviews at the company level and contributes to the overall credit picture of a company.

    By default, the settings of the customer credit profile apply to all accounts of the customer. You can update the default settings of the customer credit profile in individual customer account profiles, according to your business requirements.

  • Define a credit profile at the customer account level, as part of your account profile setup. The settings of the customer account credit profile apply to all customer sites.

You can also define customer profile classes, with the credit settings you want, and apply individual profile classes to customers or customer accounts.

When necessary, you can enter an effective end date for a profile and apply a new or updated profile to the customer or customer account, according to your business requirements.

Credit Profile Settings

The following table describes each of the settings in the credit profile. Some of these settings are used in the customer profile only or the customer account profile only.



Effective Start/End Dates

The date range that a customer profile is active. A new effective start date begins the day after a previous effective end date.

Credit Analyst

The default credit analyst assigned to credit case folders for the customer. This includes case folders created due to credit authorization failures or the periodic review process.

Credit Classification

The credit classification of the customer. The combination of the credit classification and the case folder review type determine the credit case folder template to use to create a credit case folder for this customer.

Credit Limit

The total amount of credit in the credit currency assigned to the customer.

If the Include in credit check option is enabled and the Tolerance value is 0, and the outstanding credit balance exceeds this amount, then the requested credit authorization fails.

You can use the Customer Import FBDI template to remove any existing value from this field in customer credit profiles by entering the exclamation point character (!) in the Credit Limit column.

Order Amount Limit

The amount limit in the credit currency for an individual order for the customer.

If the Include in credit check option is enabled, and an individual transaction amount exceeds this amount, then the requested credit authorization fails.

You can use the Customer Import FBDI template to remove any existing value from this field in customer credit profiles by entering the exclamation point character (!) in the Order Amount Limit column.

Credit Currency

The currency of the credit limit value and order amount limit value. The credit currency is used to display all amount-based values in credit case folders created for the customer or customer account.

The credit currency doesn't have to be the currency of customer transactions. Depending on your business requirements, you can, for example, define a credit currency for all customers belonging to a certain global region or business sector.


The percentage that a customer or customer account can exceed the credit limit value.

For example, if the Include in credit check option is enabled and the Tolerance value is 10, the effective credit limit is the credit limit defined in the profile plus 10% of the credit limit value.

Risk Code

The code that identifies the level of credit risk for the customer or customer account. You can define additional risk codes using the Customer Credit Risk lookup type.

Credit Rating

The credit rating for the customer or customer account. You can define additional credit rating names using the Credit Rating for Customers lookup type.

Conversion Rate Type

The conversion rate type to use in credit calculations, when the requested authorization amounts are in a currency different from the credit currency.

Expiration Offset Days

The number of days before a credit authorization expires. Enter a number according to your business requirements and your credit policy for the customer or customer account.

Credit Review Cycle

The review cycle period to use for regular credit reviews of the creditworthiness of the customer or customer account. Valid values are Quarterly, Semiannually, Annually.

You can use the Customer Import FBDI template to remove any existing value from this field in customer credit profiles by entering the exclamation point character (!) in the Credit Review Cycle column.

Last Review Date

The date of the last credit review for the customer or customer account.

This date is updated every time a credit case folder is created for the customer or customer account, either manually or automatically by the periodic review process or credit check failure.

You can use the Customer Import FBDI template to remove any existing value from this field in customer credit profiles by entering the exclamation point character (!) in the Last Review Date column.

Next Review Date

The default date of the next credit review, based on the last review date and the review cycle period assigned to the profile.

If the Last Review Date value is updated, the Next Review Date value is recalculated accordingly.

You can use the Customer Import FBDI template to remove any existing value from this field in customer credit profiles by entering the exclamation point character (!) in the Next Review Date column.

Include in credit check

This option is enabled by default.

When enabled, a credit check is performed when the credit checking service is called for the customer or customer account.

Credit hold

This option isn't enabled by default.

If you enable this option, the following actions take place on the applicable customer or customer account credit record:

  • Order Management places any existing order on hold.

  • The credit checking service returns a message acknowledging the hold and doesn't check available credit.

  • You can't import invoices from Order Management into Receivables using AutoInvoice.

You can still create new Receivables transactions manually for the customer or customer account.