Example of a What-If Analysis on a Data Import Batch

This example demonstrates how to perform a What-If analysis on a data import batch that has been processed and completed with the status Preimport Completed.

The match configuration is redefined and the import process is resubmitted. The batch deduplication actions are then amended, and the batch import is completed.

The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario:

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

Do you want to redefine batch deduplication match configuration?

Yes, a different match configuration is selected for the Organizations entity.

Do you want to redefine registry deduplication match configuration?

Yes, a different match configuration is selected for the Persons entity.

What actions do you want to take on Persons, Organizations, and Addresses duplicates?

  • Within registry deduplication, choose Don't import duplicate records for Persons and Organizations.

  • Within registry deduplication, choose Import duplicate records for Addresses.


  1. The data import batch has been created.

  2. The data is uploaded into the interface tables.

  3. The batch is imported and has completed with a status of Preimport Completed.

View the What-If Analysis

  1. In the Billing work area, click Customers: Manage Data Import.

  2. In the Manage Data Import Batches page, click the batch ID link of the Preimport batch you want.

  3. In the Edit Data Import Batch page, review the summary and import process performance information. Click the Import Details button to open the Import Process Details page.

  4. In the Import Process Details page, click the Batch Deduplication tab. Check the batch deduplication results.

  5. In the Import Process Details page, click the Address Cleansing tab. Check the address cleansing results.

  6. In the Import Process Details page, click the Registry Deduplication tab. Check the registry deduplication results.

Redefine the Match Configuration and Resubmit the Import Process

After your review, you decide that the results of the batch and registry deduplication aren't as expected. The match configurations need to be redefined.

  1. Click Cancel in the Import Process Details page, and in the Edit Data Import Batch page.

  2. In the Manage Data Import Batches page, select the row of the batch.

  3. Select Import from the Actions menu.

  4. In the Define Import: Batch Deduplication page, choose a different match configuration for the Organizations entity. Click Registry Deduplication.

  5. In the Define Import: Registry Deduplication page, choose a different match configuration for the Persons entity. Click Import to Registry.

  6. In the Define Import: Import to Registry page, click Submit.

Change the Action for Duplicates within the What-If Analysis

You want to view the What-If analysis for the new match configurations that you selected for the batch.

  1. In the Manage Data Import Batches page, click the batch ID link of the batch.

  2. In the Edit Data Import Batch page, review the summary and import process performance information. Click the Import Details button to open the Import Process Details page. The new match configurations have produced satisfactory results, but you would like to change the actions that will be carried out on duplicates.

  3. In the Import Process Details page, click the Registry Deduplication tab.

  4. In the Select Action for Persons and Organizations section, select Don't import duplicate records from the Action field.

  5. In the Select Action for Addresses section, select Import duplicate records from the Action field.

  6. Click Complete Import.