How can I manage credit memos with transaction sources?

Special conditions may apply to the creation of transaction sources for credit memos.

Review these considerations for transaction sources assigned to credit memos:

  • Define Manual transaction sources for credit memos created by the credit memo request approval process.

  • Define credit memo transaction sources to assign to invoice transaction sources using the Credit Transaction Source field. Use credit memo transaction sources on invoice transaction sources under these conditions:

    • Number the credit memos created against invoices differently from the invoices they're crediting.

    • Create a manual credit memo transaction source for credit memo request approvals, when the approved credit memo amount is greater than the open balance on the invoice. For these transaction sources, set the Receipt Handling for Credits option to On Account.

  • Enable the Copy transaction information flexfield to credit memo option on Manual transaction sources used for credit memos, to copy the Invoice Transaction Flexfield reference information to the credit memo crediting the invoice.

  • Select the transaction type to assign to the invoice using the Standard Transaction Type field, if the credit memo transaction source requires invoice transaction types that use natural application only.