How You Set Up Collaboration Messaging for OAGIS 10.1 XML Transaction Delivery

Set up the Collaboration Messaging Framework for OAGIS 10.1 XML transaction delivery, as part of the implementation to enable sending Receivables transactions to customers in XML format.

Along with completing the setups in Collaboration Messaging, you must also complete the related setups in Receivables. Once you complete the setups in both products, you can make use of OAGIS 10.1 XML transaction delivery.

The Collaboration Messaging setup involves enabling Collaboration Messaging for Order to Cash documents, and creating service providers and trading partners and associating them with trading partner customer accounts.

To set up Collaboration Messaging for XML transaction delivery, complete these tasks:

  • Enable collaboration messaging for Receivables.

  • Set up service providers.

  • Set up B2B trading partners.

  • Associate service providers and trading partners with customer accounts.

Note: You must first use the Feature Opt-in page in Functional Setup Manager to enable Receivables Invoice Delivery in Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) 10.1 XML Format before completing these setups.

Enable Collaboration Messaging for Receivables

Configure your outbound message processing and enable the Order to Cash business process.

To enable collaboration messaging for Receivables:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Select the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration task.

  3. In the General Setup tabbed region of the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration page, enter your company identifier in the Global Sender ID field.

    This identifier is used by your service providers and trading partners to identify you as the sender of XML transactions.

  4. If you're planning to send attachments with XML transactions, in the Maximum Attachment Size field enter in megabytes the maximum size of an attachment that can be embedded in an XML transaction.

    If the size of an attachment in the transaction header exceeds this limit, the attachment isn't embedded in the XML transaction delivery.

  5. Click the Business Process Setup tab.

  6. In the Collaboration Business Process table, check the Enable box for the Order to Cash business process.

  7. Save your work.

Set Up Service Providers

Use the Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers task to create service providers. Service providers are the intermediaries that exchange messages between Oracle Applications Cloud and trading partners (customers).

For each service provider, define the delivery method, outbound collaboration message, and inbound collaboration message for OAGIS 10.1 XML transaction delivery.

Note: If you plan to send XML transactions directly to trading partners without a service provider, skip this task and complete the tasks to set up B2B trading partners and to associate service providers and trading partners with customer accounts.

To set up a service provider:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Select the Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers task.

  3. In the Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers page, click the Plus (+) icon to open the Create Collaboration Messaging Service Provider window.

  4. In the Name field, enter the name that you want to use for the service provider.

  5. In the Provider ID field, enter the identifier for the service provider.

  6. In the ID Type field, select Generic.

  7. In the Description field, you can enter a description that identifies this service provider for XML transaction delivery.

  8. Click the Save and Close button.

  9. In the Edit Collaboration Messaging Service Provider page, click the Delivery Methods tab.

  10. Click the Plus (+) icon to open a delivery method row.

  11. In the Name field, enter the name of the XML message delivery method, according to your agreement with the service provider.

  12. In the Delivery Method Type field:

    • Select Web Service for OAGIS 10.1 XML.

    • Select B2B Adapter or Email for UBL 2.1 XML.

  13. In the Service Name field, select CollaborationMessage.Process for synchronous service or CollaborationMessage.ProcessAsync for asynchronous service.

  14. Complete the remaining fields for the delivery method according to your business requirements.

  15. Click the Outbound Collaboration Messages tab.

  16. Click the Plus (+) icon to open an outbound collaboration messages row.

  17. In the Name field, enter a name to identify this outbound collaboration message, for example, AR_Invoice.

  18. In the Collaboration Message field, select:

    • OAGIS_10.1_PROCESS_INVOICE_COLLAB_MSG_OUT for outbound OAGIS XML transaction delivery.

    • UBL_2.1_INVOICE_OUT for outbound UBL 2.1 XML transaction delivery.

  19. In the Status field, select Active.

  20. In the Delivery Method Name field, enter the XML message delivery method you defined in the Delivery Methods tab.

  21. If your service provider has agreed to send an acknowledgment in OAGIS 10.1 CBOD format for XML transactions received, click the Inbound Collaboration Messages tab to define the inbound collaboration message.

  22. Click the Plus (+) icon to open an inbound collaboration messages row.

  23. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the inbound collaboration message, for example, AR_CBOD.

  24. In the Collaboration Message field, select OAGIS_10.1_CONFIRM_BOD_COLLAB_MSG_IN.

  25. In the Status field, select Active.

  26. Click the Outbound Collaboration Messages tab again.

  27. In the Status field, select Inactive.

    This lets you edit the fields in the outbound collaboration message.

  28. In the Confirmation Message Name field enter the name of the CBOD message that you just defined.

    This associates the inbound CBOD message with the outbound transaction message to receive acknowledgment of the XML transaction.

  29. In the Status field, select Active.

  30. Save your work.

Set Up B2B Trading Partners

Trading partners are the customers that you designate to receive Receivables transactions in XML format. Each trading partner is required to have a trading partner identifier, known to you and to your service provider. This identifier is included in the XML message and is used by the service provider to identify the trading partner receiving the XML document.

You must also set up the Receivables customer account profile for each customer that you intend to define as a trading partner for XML transaction delivery.

After you create the trading partner, you must associate the outbound collaboration message and inbound CBOD collaboration message that you defined for the service provider with the trading partner.

To set up a trading partner:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging work area.

  2. Select the Manage B2B Trading Partners task.

  3. In the Manage B2B Trading Partners page, click the Plus (+) icon to open the Create Trading Partner window.

  4. In the Service Provider field, select the service provider to use for this trading partner for XML delivery.

    If you plan to send XML transactions to the trading partner directly without using a service provider, select None.

  5. In the Trading Partner ID field, enter the identifier for the trading partner.

  6. In the Partner ID Type field, select the category of the trading partner identifier.

    Valid values are: D-U-N-S, Generic (if you use the customer account number to identify the trading partner), GLN, MISC, PHONE, TAXID, Name (if you use the customer account name to identify the trading partner).

  7. Click the Save and Close button.

  8. In the Collaboration Documents for Service Provider section of the Edit Trading Partner page, enter in the Documents column the outbound collaboration message and inbound CBOD collaboration message for this service provider.

  9. Save your work.

Associate Service Providers and Trading Partners with Customer Accounts

After setting up your service providers and trading partners, associate both the service provider and trading partner to the related customer account.

If you plan to send XML transactions to the trading partner directly without using a service provider, you must still associate the service provider value None with the related customer account.

To associate a service provider and trading partner to a customer account:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging work area.

  2. Select the Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration task.

  3. In the Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration page, search for the customer account you want.

  4. Select the customer account and click the Edit Collaboration Configuration button.

  5. In the Associated Service Providers section of the Edit Customer Account Collaboration Configuration page, click the Plus (+) icon to open a service provider row.

  6. Enter the service provider and the related trading partner ID. This associates the service provider and trading partner with the customer account.

  7. In the Collaboration Documents for Service Provider section, click the Plus (+) icon to open a collaboration documents row.

  8. In the Document field, enter the outbound collaboration message associated with the service provider.

    You don't need to enter the inbound CBOD collaboration message, because it's already associated with the service provider.

  9. In the Associated Status field, select Enabled.

  10. Save your work.