Overview of OAGIS 10.1 XML Transaction Delivery for Receivables

Use the Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) 10.1 XML format to deliver Receivables transactions to your customers as XML documents.

XML transaction delivery makes use of the Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK) to send transactions to customers and receive confirmation messages from customers.

Receivables OAGIS 10.1 XML provides these capabilities:

  • Deliver invoices, credit memos, debit memos, and chargebacks to customers (trading partners) in OAGIS 10.1 XML format using Collaboration Messaging Framework.

  • Deliver XML transactions to your trading partners with or without service providers.

  • Receive acknowledgment of transaction delivery from customers by means of a Confirmation Business Object Document (CBOD). The CBOD also uses the OAGIS 10.1 XML format.

  • Include user-defined attributes, in addition to the standard mapped attributes, in the XML document. Receivables supports the inclusion of UserArea extension attributes at the invoice header, invoice line, and invoice tax line level of OAGIS 10.1 XML transactions.

  • Include transaction header level attachments in the OAGIS 10.1 XML delivery.

  • Review the XML transaction delivery using Collaboration Messaging Framework.

Use the Feature Opt-in page in Functional Setup Manager (FSM) to enable Receivables Invoice Delivery in Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) 10.1 XML Format.

You also use the same Feature Opt-in to enable Universal Business Language (UBL) 2.1 XML transaction delivery.

You then need to complete the related setups in Receivables and Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK) to deliver OAGIS 10.1 or UBL 2.1 XML transactions to customers.

Complete these setups using the related Receivables and Collaboration Messaging Framework setup tasks. If you're using service providers to deliver XML documents, you can also use the Customer Import FBDI template to import both the CMK setup required for XML transaction delivery and the related Receivables customer account profile information.

Note: If you're using the existing Receivables XML Invoicing feature through the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) business-to-business (B2B) gateway, you should only change over to OAGIS 10.1 XML transaction delivery when your customers are ready to receive transactions in OAGIS 10.1 XML format. When you do change over, you must redo your service provider and trading partner setups in Collaboration Messaging Framework.