Copy an Ownership Definition

You can copy an existing ownership definition to expedite the creation of additional, new ownership definitions. An ownership definition created from a copy of an existing ownership definition retains all details of the original ownership definition except for the effective dates, and the status is set to Pending. You can modify any of the details in the new ownership definition.

To save a new ownership definition created from a copy, you can rename the ownership definition. Or if you are creating multiple instances of an ownership definition with the same name, you can save the new ownership definition after entering unique effective dates. Remember that you can create ownership definitions with the same name and different effective dates to cover changes in stakeholder ownership percentages over different periods of time.

To copy an ownership definition:

  1. On Ownership definitions, highlight the ownership definition that you want to copy and click Copy.

  2. On Copy Ownership Definition, enter the effective dates for the new ownership definition.

    Note: If you are creating different instances of an ownership definition with the same name, the effective dates can’t overlap.
  3. Update the other details—name, stakeholders, percentages, and so forth—of the new ownership definition as needed.

  4. When you’re ready to activate the ownership definition, change the status from Pending to Active.

  5. Click Save.