Manage Ownership Definition Assignment Rules

Use the Ownership Definition Assignment Rules page to manage your assignment rules. You can review, add, copy, edit, or delete assignment rules on this page.

Use the Search to find a particular assignment rule. You can search by assignment rule, joint venture, ownership definition, direct billed stakeholder, and so forth.

The Ownership Definition Assignment Rules page displays details about each assignment rule, including the description, status, start and end dates, and other details.

Modify an Ownership Definition Assignment Rule

On the Ownership Definition Assignment Rules page, search for and click the name of the assignment rule that you want to modify. An assignment rule must be in the Editing status before you can update it.

You can modify any of the details in an assignment rule that hasn't been used to process transactions.

If an assignment rule has been processed and assigned to joint venture transactions, then you can only change the description and end date. However, you can't change the end date to a date that is prior to the date of a transaction to which the assignment rule has been applied.

Delete an Ownership Definition Assignment Rule

On the Ownership Definition Assignment Rules page, you can delete an assignment rule only if it hasn't been applied to joint venture transactions. For auditing and tracking purposes, assignment rules that have been processed and applied to joint venture transactions can't be deleted. If you no longer need the assignment rule, you can change its status to Inactive so that it's no longer applied to transactions.