Use an Account Set to Identify Distributable Accounts

Assign an account set to a joint venture definition to identify the accounts that contain the transactions that you want to distribute for the joint venture.

  1. Set up an account set to identify the distributable accounts. See Create an Account Set for a Joint Venture Definition for more information.
  2. On the Account Information page for the joint venture, select the account set from the "Account Set for Distributable Accounts" drop-down list.

When you set up an account set for a joint venture, you must also identify one or more primary segment values in the joint venture definition. The primary segment values identify the segments that are unique to the joint venture. When an account set is assigned to a joint venture, the accounts in the account set are used in combination with the primary segment value to identify distributable accounts for the joint venture.

Note: If the account filter in the account set includes a primary segment value that doesn’t match a primary segment value in the joint venture definition, the account will be ignored.

You can identify the primary segment values either before or after you set up and assign an account set to a joint venture definition.

Perform the following steps to identify the primary segment values in the joint venture definition:
  1. Access the Account information page for the joint venture definition and click the Primary Segment Values tab.
  2. Click Add, and then click in the first column in the row and select a primary segment value.

    The first column in the grid represents the primary segment associated with the primary segment label specified in the Joint Venture System Options, for example “Primary Segment: Department.”

  3. Click Submit on the row you added.

  4. Add additional primary segments values as needed.
  5. Click Save.

    The application displays the description associated with the primary segment value. When you set up the account set for the joint venture, these primary segment values will automatically be appended to the filter criteria in the account set.