About Joint Venture Source Transaction Details

The Joint Venture Source Transactions work area displays the following details for each transaction:

Column Description
Joint Venture The joint venture that the source transaction was generated for.
Status The default status for all newly generated source transactions is “Available to process.” Other statuses include “On hold” and “Process complete.” You can override the status if needed. See Override Joint Venture Source Transaction Processing for more information.
Creation Date The date and time the transaction was identified for processing by the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process. By default, the records in the grid are sorted by this date.
Transaction Date The date of the transaction, which the Create Joint Venture Distributions process uses to determine which ownership definition is used to calculate the split. You can override the date if needed. See Override Joint Venture Source Transaction Processing for more information.
Type The type of source transaction, which can only be “Overhead.”
Debit The joint venture source transaction debit amount in accounting currency.
Credit The joint venture source transaction credit amount in accounting currency.
Partner Account The account that will be used in Oracle Receivables when creating the distributed invoices.
Transaction Description A description entered in the overhead method that was used to generate the joint venture source transaction. For example, the description might be “Overhead for material costs” if the overhead method was defined to create transactions with overhead amounts calculated from a percentage of material costs. This description appears in all invoices created from distributed joint venture source transactions.
Overhead Method The overhead method that was used to generate this source transaction.
Method Description Description of the overhead method that was used to generate this source transaction.