Add a Partner Contribution to a Stakeholder

Use the Partner Contributions work area in Oracle Joint Venture Management to add one or more partner contributions to a stakeholder. Or you can define multiple partner contributions in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and then upload them all at once from the spreadsheet to this work area.

Perform the following steps to add a partner contribution to a stakeholder:

  1. On the home page, click Joint Venture Management, Partner Contributions.

  2. On Partner Contributions, click Add.

    Or click Manage in Excel and use the spreadsheet to add multiple partner contributions. The spreadsheet contains instructions on how to complete the columns, which reflect the fields in the user interface and include a list of values for fields when applicable.

  3. Select the joint venture applicable to the partner contribution.

  4. Select the stakeholder to assign the partner contribution to.

  5. Enter a start date and a description.

    If you don’t enter a start date, the current date will be used when you save the partner contribution. The description is optional.

  6. In the Contribution Amount field, enter the amount of the partner contribution. Make sure the amount matches the amount entered or to be entered in the invoice or journal entry.

  7. At this point, you can perform these actions:

    • Click Save to save the information you entered and stay on the page. Or click Submit to save the partner contribution and return to it later. You can also click Actions and then click "Save and New" to add another partner contribution.

      Note: These actions save the partner contribution in Pending status. In this status, you can still modify the contribution amount if needed.
    • Enter a joint venture partner contribution account and click Actions. You can then select Add Invoice or Add Journal to associate a receivables invoice or journal entry as detailed in the subsequent section. The partner contribution account is automatically used as the default account in the Revenue accounting class of the receivables invoice line that represents the draw from a partner contribution.

      Make sure that you've changed the status to "Available to draw" when you are ready to use the partner contribution to cover the stakeholder's share of costs.