Delete a Joint Venture

If you delete a joint venture definition, the system deletes the following data associated with the joint venture definition:

  • Association of primary segment and distributable segment values used to identify distributable accounts for the joint venture.

  • Stakeholders

    Although stakeholders are deleted, invoicing partners associated with the stakeholders remain in the system. This is because invoicing partners are created separately so you can add a partner as a stakeholder to more than one joint venture.

  • Ownership definitions

You can't delete a joint venture definition that has:
  • Transactions and distributions associated with it. You can’t delete it unless you first delete its associated distributions and remove the identified transactions from the Distributions and Transactions work areas respectively.

  • An overhead method associated with it. You must first delete the overhead method, which you can delete only if it hasn’t been used to process overhead.

  • An assignment rule associated with it. You must first delete the assignment rule, which you can delete only if it hasn't been assigned to joint venture transactions.
  1. In the Joint Ventures work area, locate the joint venture definition that you want to delete.

  2. Select it and then click Delete.