Delete a Partner Contribution

In the Partner Contributions work area, select the partner contributions that you want to delete and click Delete.

You can delete a manually created partner contribution only under the following conditions:

  • The partner contribution is yet to be invoiced, which means it isn't associated yet with an invoice or a journal entry and is in Pending status.

  • The partner contribution was invoiced using a manual invoice or a journal entry but hasn’t been drawn from to cover cost related distributions.

  • The partner contribution was canceled or closed. Before you can delete the canceled or closed partner contribution, you must delete the cancel or close transaction reference.

    To do so, open the partner contribution and from the Transactions tab, select the cancel or close transaction reference and then click Delete. This reverts the partner contribution to the last status before it was canceled or closed, for example, Journal Created, Invoiced, or Available to Draw.

You can delete a partner contribution that was created using the partner contribution processes only under the following conditions:

  • None of the partner contributions created from a partner contribution request are invoiced. When you delete one of these partner contributions, all the partner contributions created from that request are deleted.

  • None of the partner contributions created from a gross contribution using the Create Partner Contributions process are invoiced. When you delete one of these partner contributions, all the partner contributions created from that gross contribution are deleted.

  • The partner contribution is being canceled or closed and is in Ready to Cancel or Ready to Close status. Before you can delete the partner contribution, you must delete the cancel or close transaction reference.

    To do so, open the partner contribution and from the Transactions tab, select the cancel or close transaction reference and then click Delete. This reverts the partner contribution to the last status before it was canceled or closed, for example, Journal Created, Invoiced, or Available to Draw.