AutoInvoice and Transaction Flexfields

Transaction flexfields are descriptive flexfields that AutoInvoice uses to identify transactions and transaction lines.

There are four types of transaction flexfields:

  • Line Transaction Flexfield

  • Reference Transaction Flexfield

  • Link-To Transaction Flexfield

  • Invoice Transaction Flexfield

If you use AutoInvoice, you must define the Line Transaction Flexfield. Because the Line Transaction Flexfield is unique for each transaction line, you use the Line Transaction Flexfield to reference and link to other lines. AutoInvoice always uses the Line Transaction Flexfield structure for both Link-To and Reference information during the import process. You must explicitly define the Link-To, Reference, and Invoice Transaction Flexfield structures only if this information is to be displayed on a page that you have designed.

You can display Invoice Transaction Flexfield information in the Reference column of invoice lists of values. Use the Reference Field Default Value field of the Imported transaction source that you will use with the Import AutoInvoice process to select the Invoice Transaction Flexfield segment that you want to display. For example, if you want to reference the order number for imported invoices when using an invoice list of values, you must assign the transaction flexfield segment that holds the order number in the Reference Field Default Value field of the transaction source assigned to invoices. The order number then displays in the Reference column of invoice lists of values.

If necessary, you can set the transaction flexfield and flexfield segments as required:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Descriptive Flexfield page for the flexfield that you want.

  2. In the Context Segment section, enable the Required option.

  3. In the Context Sensitive Segments section, enable the Required option for each applicable segment.

  4. Complete updates to the flexfield according to your requirements and save.

Line Transaction Flexfield

Use columns INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 and INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT to define the Line Transaction Flexfield. Line Transaction Flexfields are unique for each record in the interface table and therefore can be used as record identifiers.

The context that you specify in the INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT column of the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table determines what information AutoInvoice places in the INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 columns.

Receivables provides contexts for other Oracle Cloud applications that you use with AutoInvoice. If you import transactions from a legacy system using the AutoInvoice file-based data import spreadsheet, you can define a new context for the Line Transaction Flexfield to distinguish these transactions from transactions that originated in Oracle Cloud applications.

Reference Transaction Flexfield

Reference Transaction Flexfields have the same structure as the Line Transaction Flexfield. Reference Transaction Flexfields are used to apply a credit memo to an invoice.

For example, to refer a credit memo to a specific invoice, use the REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 and REFERENCE_LINE_CONTEXT columns of the credit memo to enter the Line Transaction Flexfield of the invoice.

Link-To Transaction Flexfield

Link-To Transaction Flexfields also have the same structure as the Line Transaction Flexfield. Use Link-To Transaction Flexfields to link transaction lines together in the interface table.

For example, you might want to import tax and freight charges that are associated with specific transaction lines. If you want to associate a specific tax line with a specific transaction line, use the LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 and LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT columns of the tax line to enter the Line Transaction Flexfield of the invoice.

Invoice Transaction Flexfield

To create an Invoice Transaction Flexfield, create a new flexfield with a similar structure as the Line Transaction Flexfield, but only include header-level segments.

For example, if the Line Transaction Flexfield structure has four segments, and the last two segments contain line-level information, define your Invoice Transaction Flexfield using the first two segments only. You should also include segments included in the Invoice Transaction Flexfield in the AutoInvoice grouping rules.