What's the difference between closing, withdrawing and rejecting a case folder?

You close a case folder if you determine, according to your business practices, that the credit review is no longer needed.

For example, the customer may no longer need the pending orders or is no longer in business. You can't reopen closed case folders. If necessary, you must manually create a new case folder.

You can withdraw a case folder that's pending approval with designated approvers.

You usually withdraw a case folder when you need to add or update information pertinent to the case folder approval process. After entering your updates, you can submit the case folder again for approval.

You reject a case folder if you don't agree with the case folder recommendations.

Only a user with the appropriate permissions can reject a case folder, often a credit manager. A rejected case folder is returned to the credit analyst for further review. After the appropriate review and investigation, the credit analyst can submit the case folder again for approval.