Correct Invoices Using a Keyboard

You can also make corrections to incomplete invoices by typing in the correct text directly into the field in Payables.

You can see the incomplete invoice in the Scanned Information tile. Open the invoice for editing and select the field that IDR didn't recognize. As you type in the correct value, Interactive Viewer searches all occurrences of data that match the text you entered and highlights them in yellow. The selected value is highlighted in purple. Interactive Viewer starts looking for matches as soon as you enter 2 characters for number-based fields (Amount, Quantity, Price, and so on.). Similarly, it starts searching for matching after you enter at least 3 characters for the fields that support both numbers and letters like PO Number, Invoice Number, Date, and so on.

After the possible matches are highlighted yellow and purple on the Interactive Viewer, you can navigate between the highlighted attributes using right and left arrow keys. When you begin to type, the matching text becomes highlighted. For example, if you type in inv in the Number field, all occurrences of inv are highlighted in the Interactive Viewer.

To capture the entire attribute without typing any more characters, use the Ctrl key and Spacebar. Pressing them together copies the purple highlighted value from the Interactive Viewer directly in to the selected field on the Edit Invoice page. The copying takes place up to the next space.

Type in the entire value of the attribute instead of just inv, and then press the Enter key to copy the highlighted value into the selected field in Payables UI. The value would be highlighted purple and if this was the only place the value was located, no other values would be highlighted. If there were other values matching the entire value you typed, they would be highlighted in yellow. You would then need to use the right or left arrow keys to ensure that the correct value was highlighted in purple. After the invoice is saved, the adaptive learning is also saved for the supplier.

Note: You can refer to the list of shortcut keys and their actions in the Interactive Viewer.

Example of Correcting Invoices Using a Keyboard in Interactive Viewer

In this example, consider the invoice from a power supply company, Promega, who uses Reference No as the field label or identifier for Invoice Number. While processing, IDR didn't recognize it as a valid invoice number identifier. As a result, the invoice appears in the Scanned Information tile as incomplete and the invoice number field is blank.

Follow these steps to use the Interactive Viewer to correct the invoice.

  1. On the Edit Invoice page, select the field that needs to be updated.

  2. Begin typing in the correct information. For this example, consider that you start type the first few characters to see highlighted possible matches. Use the left and right arrow keys to navigate between the highlighted values.

  3. Press Ctrl key and Spacebar together to select the highlighted field that you currently have selected. This key combination not only selects the highlighted characters but also selects the rest of the characters until it reaches a space. The invoice number is now populated.

  4. Save the invoice.

This changes the status from Incomplete to Not validated. You have also just trained IDR on how to extract the invoice number from future Promega invoices. After the status of invoice changes to Validated, you can no longer see it in the Scanned Information tile. It's moved to the Recent Information tile.