Error Messages for Bill Management Users

This table lists the error messages and actions needed for business use cases associated with registering Bill Management users. The error messages appear in the Bill Management Users REST API response.

Business Use Case Sample Error Message Action Needed

Register a user with an email address when role type is not defined.

You must define the role type for contact to register the contact as a user in Bill Management.

Edit the contact and set the role type value as Contact in Trading Community Model.

Register a user with an inactive email address.

The email is inactive for the account number 4328730_7_A005. You must enter an active email address.

Enter an active email address.

Register a user for an inactive account.

The account number 4328730_7_A005 is inactive. You must enter an active account number.

Enter an active account number.

Register a user with another customer???s contact.

The email doesn't match with the contact details provided at the account level or site level of the customer. You must enter an email associated with an account or account's sites.

Enter an email associated with an account or account's sites.

Register a user with an email address that's not associated with the contact name.

The name Romaguera LLC isn't defined as a contact for the given email You must enter the name associated with the given email.

Enter the name associated with the given email.

Register duplicate contacts for a customer account or account's site.

A customer contact with this email is already registered for the account 4328730_7_A005. You must enter a unique customer email.

Enter a unique email address.

Register a user without creating the user in HCM.

You must create the user Romaguera LLC in Human Capital Management to register the user in Bill Management.

Register a user in HCM using the Users resource.

Register a user with a duplicate email address.

The email is already registered as a user. You must either define a relationship between the customers to share the same email or enter a unique email.

Define a relationship between the customers if the contacts are the same or change the email address for one of the contacts in customer account relationships.