Generate Withholding Tax Certificate for Thailand Sequence Number Rule

To generate the Withholding Tax Certificate Sequence Number rule, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and follow these steps:

Follow these steps:

  1. Select an implementation project.

  2. In the Task Lists and Tasks section, select Financials > Define Configuration for Regional Localization > Manage Localization Document Numbering

  3. On the Manage Fiscal Document Sequences page, select Thailand from the Search For drop-down list.

  4. On the Create Document Numbering in Spreadsheet dialog, select the required values for the Business Unit and Legal Reporting Unit fields.

  5. Click OK to download the ADFdi spreadsheet.

  6. In the ADFdi spreadsheet, insert a new row and enter the required values for the Legal Reporting Unit, PND Type, Sequence Start Value, Prefix, Start Date, End Date, and Key fields.

  7. Click Upload.

This table describes the parameters of the ADFdi spreadsheet.

Display Name


Legal Reporting Unit

Legal Reporting Unit for which you want to generate Withholding Tax Certificate Sequence Number.

PND Type

PND Type for which you want to generate Withholding Tax Certificate Sequence Number.

Starting Number

The starting number with which you want to generate Withholding Tax Certificate Sequence Number.


The prefix you want to mention in the Certificate Sequence Number.

Start Date

The starting payment date from which you want to generate Withholding Tax Certificate Sequence Number.

End Date

The ending payment date till which you want to generate Withholding Tax Certificate Sequence Number.