
Oracle recommends the approach of integrating ERP with an e-GUI system offered by one of the government-authorized VASCs.

By leveraging the e-GUI system and service offered by VASCs, the total cost of fulfilling Taiwan e-GUI requirements for Oracle Cloud ERP customers can be minimized. Most of the complex e-GUI requirements can be covered by the out-of-box features of VASC e-GUI system.

Oracle Cloud ERP supports integration to VASC e-GUI system as follows:

  • e-GUI issuing (Receivables)
    • Define integration:
      • 4 DFFs should be defined in Oracle Receivables invoice header in Oracle Cloud ERP: e-GUI Date, e-GUI Number, e-GUI Sales Amount, e-GUI Tax Amount.
      • Build a BI Publisher report to include the required invoice data to be issued.
    • Issue e-GUIs:
      • VASC e-GUI system calls BI Publisher Web Services provided by Oracle Cloud ERP to get the data of the defined BI Publisher report periodically.
      • VASC e-GUI system validates and processes the invoices, and then sends them to MoF e-GUI platform for e-GUI issuing/
      • VASC e-GUI system receives the issued e-GUI data from MoF e-GUI platform.
    • Import e-GUIs:
      • VASC e-GUI system calls REST API, update a receivables invoice, to import the data of e-GUIs back to the defined DFFs.
  • GUI tax filing (Payables and Receivables)
    • Define integration:
      • 1 DFF should be defined in Oracle Payables invoice header in Oracle Cloud ERP: GUI Format Code.
      • Build a BI Publisher report to include the issued GUIs for tax filing.
      • Build a BI Publisher report to include the received GUIs for tax filing.
    • Extract GUIs:
      • VASC GUI tax filing system calls BI Publisher Web Services provided by Oracle Cloud ERP to get the GUI data defined in the BI Publisher reports periodically.
    • Generate the formatted data for GUI tax filing:
      • VASC GUI tax filing system validates and consolidates the issued and received GUI.
      • VASC GUI tax filing system generates the GUI filing data in the specific format following the import interfaces of the government filing software.
    • Import the GUI filing data:
      • Import the GUI filing data into the government filing software for submission.