Auxiliary Report for Mexico

This topic contains summary information about the Auxiliary Report for Mexico.


The Auxiliary Report for Mexico helps with an in-depth analysis of all accounting entries for a given account in a given period. The report displays beginning and ending balance, as well as the daily journals entries posted to that account during the period.

Key Insights

To run the report, you must first grant access to the user for the Journals for Mexico process so that you can run it from the Scheduled Processes page. For more information, see Enable the Mexican Reporting Processes.

After generating the report in OTBI, convert the report to an XML format before uploading it to the Tax Administration Services (SAT) website. You can create the report once and use it periodically.

To use this report with the Legal Entity filter, you must set the Sequencing By option in Specify Ledger Options to Legal Entity and create the accounting sequences with Legal Entity information.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists frequently asked questions about the Auxiliary Report for Mexico.



How do I find this report?

In Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence, select Analysis from Analysis and Interactive Reporting.

Who uses this report?

  • Financial Accountants

  • Financial Specialists

When do I use this report?

Use the Auxiliary Report for Mexico when you need to provide detailed records of your accounts to the fiscal authorities.

What type of report is this?

Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence