Create Rights

You can record lease document rights in the lease on the Rights and Obligations tab.

Use rights to have quick and convenient access in the lease pages to:

  • Key contract entitlements and privileges.

Rights and Obligations Tab:

Click New (+) to display the Create Rights and Obligations page.

The following fields are available as part of the rights creation:



Right Type

Select the right type.

Your choices are as follows:

  • Parking
  • Holdover
  • Lease Audit
  • Sub-Lease
  • First Right of Refusal
  • Alterations
  • Roof Rights

Grant Type

Select the grant type. Grant type indicates whether the lease specifically bestows the right upon the tenant.

Your choices are as follows:

  • Consult Legal
  • Silent
  • Yes
  • No


You can enter more details of the right here.

Key Date

Select the key date.

The key date is any important date for the right.

Click Save and Close.

Rights and Obligations Tab: Rights Subtab

You can view or add the following right information in the Details section:



Right Number Oracle Lease Accounting generates and displays the right number.

Right Type

Retain or change the right type.


You can enter more details of the right here.

Grant Type

Retain or change the grant type.

Right Status

You can view the right status.

Key Date

You can view the key date.

You can select a right directly from the table and click Cancel to cancel the right.