Generate Lease Abstraction Details Report

You can view the lease abstract report by using the Generate Lease Abstraction Details Report link or directly from the lease.

You can view the lease abstraction report by using the Generate Lease Abstraction Details Report link.

Generate Lease Abstraction Details Report:

  • Select Generate Lease Abstraction Details Report from the side panel to run the program.

  • The following parameters are available for Basic Options:

    • Action Type:

      • Lease Abstraction Details Report: Select to generate the report.

    • Business Unit: Select the business unit for which you want to generate the report.

    • Lease Number: Search and select the lease for which you want to have the abstraction.
    • Version Type: Select the version draft for the report. You can choose 'Draft' or 'Current.'
  • Oracle Lease Accounting notifies you when the process completes if you check the notify check box.

  • Click Submit to run the process.

Generate Lease Abstraction Details Report From the Lease:

You can also generate the Lease Abstraction Details report by clicking the Attach Lease Reports button from the active lease.