Generate Lease Impairments Report

You can view the lease impairments report by using the Generate Lease Impairments Report link.

Generate Lease Impairments Analysis Report:

  • Select Generate Lease Impairments Report from the side panel to run the program.

  • The following parameters are available for Basic Options:

    • Action Type:

      • Lease Impairments Report: Select to generate the report.

    • Business Unit: Select the business unit for which you want to generate the report.

    • To Period: Select the date to which you want to to generate the report.

    • Legal Entity: Select the legal entity for which you want to generate the report, if required.

    • Lease Number: Select the lease number for which you want to generate the report, if required.

    • From Period: Select the date from which you want to to generate the report, if required.

  • Oracle Lease Accounting notifies you when the process completes if you check the notify check box.

  • Click Submit to run the process.