Generate Lease Liability Analysis Report

You can view the lease liabilities report by using the Generate Lease Liability Analysis Report link.

Generate Lease Liability Analysis Report:

  • Select Generate Lease Liability Analysis Report from the side panel to run the program.

  • The following parameters are available for Basic Options:

    • Action Type:

      • Lease Liability Report: Select to generate the report.

    • Business Unit: Select the business unit for which you want to generate the report.

  • Oracle Lease Accounting notifies you when the process completes if you check the notify check box.

  • Click Submit to run the process.

This report provides the Lease Liability amounts both as discounted and nondiscounted. Lease Accounting splits and displays the discounted cash flows into current and noncurrent cash flows. In contrast, Lease Accounting displays the nondiscounted cash flows in multiple buckets for varied operational reporting needs. Such as cash flows due by current quarter-end, year-end, greater than 60 months, and so on.