Import Properties

You can mass import the properties.

You can create bulk properties using the Property Definitions Import template. The following fields are included:

Field Mandatory Description Validations
Create or Update Yes You must select Create or Update to identify whether it is a new record that is being created or changing an existing one.
Business Unit Yes Enter the business unit that owns or leases the property.
Interface Property ID Yes Interface property identifier It must be unique.
Interface Parent Property ID Yes Mandatory, except for top-level.
Property Description No The property's description.
Property Number No The property number automatically derived by the system.
Property Type Name Yes Mandatory for properties, except for property set. This is the setup where the hierarchy levels are defined.
Property Type Level Yes Mandatory. The levels are associated with the property type.
Location Name Yes Mandatory for property set and for the level selected as available for the lease in property type setup. The address is a location previously defined that is associated with an address.
Location Code Yes

The internal location code of the property.

Either the location name or the location code is required while creating a property in the property type level set as 'Available for Lease' in the property type setup.

Property Code Yes This is the property identifier specific to the property. It should be of 11 characters only. It must be unique for its parent. The top-level property code must be unique for the business unit. You must enter the short code for the property.
Property Start Date Yes On or after this date, the property can be selected on a lease. The property start date for lower-level locations may not be earlier than the parent.
Property End Date No On or before this date, the property can be selected on a lease. The property end date for lower-level locations may not be later than the parent.
Tenure Yes Mandatory for leasable level only. Potential values are Leased, Owned, and Managed. It conveys the type of relationship that exists between the business unit and the property.

You can enter the tenure at 1 level only in the hierarchy or the tenure of children's location must match the parent's location.

Tenure must be consistent. If not consistent across levels, you can't report or analyze based on tenure.

Parent Property Number Yes Indicates the property number of the parent property. Mandatory when creating new property under the parent hierarchy of existing property.
Size No The property size. It can be entered only if UOM is defined.
Responsible User No The user responsible for creating or updating the property.
Property Status Yes You must select either Yes or No. For a property to be available for selection on a lease, the property must be active.