Overview of Lease Landing Page: Side Panel Features

The side panel provides access to lease activities for payments, accounting, and properties. You can access the Lease Accounting Dashboard from here. You can also generate the Lease reports.

The side panel has the following sections:

  • Leases

    • Create Lease

    • Import Leases

    • Lease Accounting Dashboard

    • Process Expense Lease Expiration

    • Process Revenue Lease Expiration

  • Expense Lease Payments

    • Process Lease Payments

    • Manage Payments

    • Process Index Based Assessments

  • Revenue Lease Payments

    • Process Lease Payments

    • Process Lease Payment Tieback

  • Accounting

    • Create Accounting

    • Create Adjustment Journal

    • Review Journal Entries

    • Process Lease Accounting

    • Process Lease Revenue Accruals

    • Manage Accounting Errors

  • Reports

    • Generate Lease Liability Analysis Report

    • Generate Lease Transactions and Balances Report

    • Generate Lease Abstraction Details Report

    • Generate Lease Disclosures Report

    • Generate Lease Impairments Report

  • Properties

    • Review Properties

    • Import Properties

Refer to Side Panel Operations, Reports, and Properties chapters for further information.