Budget to Summary Accounts in General Ledger

When the Budget to Summary Accounts in General Ledger option is enabled, you can budget to the same level in General Ledger as in Budgetary Control. Summary accounts that are used for budgetary control will now also be available in General Ledger.

Enable this option to automatically generate values in General Ledger balances cube to represent the summary account. Disable the option if you've already created values to represent the summary budget.

Dimension members created to represent the summary accounts are labeled with the summary account value description followed by the value, Base Balance. The member name is labeled with the summary account value name suffixed with _base and the alias will have Base Balance appended.. For example, the budget balance for the summary account, 1100 Capital Fund, will generate 1110 base-Capital Fund Base Balance as a child of 1100. The budget balance is stored 1100 base, 1110 will be a summary of all its children including 1100 base.