Surplus Funds to Carry Forward

If your organization allows surplus funds to be carried forward to the next budget cycle, determine which control budget accounts have surplus funds available.

To ensure the funds available balance is accurate, confirm the following items:

  • Commitment balance is zero, and requisitions have either been canceled or converted to purchase orders.
  • Obligation balance is the amount to be carried forward. Purchase orders that are not going to be carried forward have been processed to reverse obligations and increase funds available.
  • Obligation balances from manual encumbrance journal entries have been reviewed.

For the specific budget year and control budget, review the funds available balance for each account. A sample of the Funds Available Balance report is available on Customer Connect. You can copy and modify the sample report or create your own.

You can use the Funds Available Balance report to view balances by control budget account for a specific control budget and budget year. You can also see the balances for each period.

Automated Surplus Funds Carry Forward

To carry forward surplus funds to the next budget year as budget amounts, use the automated Carry Forward Funds Available Balances process from the Budgetary Control Dashboard. The Carry Forward Funds Available process isn't available for non-project and EPM control budgets. This process will import as budget amounts the funds available balance from a source control budget period to a target control budget period you select. Funds available isn’t reduced in the source control budget. Project and EPM budget changes must originate from their source modules so the Carry Forward Funds Available process isn't available for project and EPM control budgets.

The source and target control budgets can be the same. If they are different, the target control budget must meet the following criteria:

  • Budget chart of accounts must be the same for both the source and target control budgets.
  • Interval for the target control budget’s calendar must be the same or greater than the source control budget.
    • For example, if the source control budget has quarters as the period interval, then the target control budget can only have periods with intervals equal to or greater than quarters. The target control budget can’t have monthly periods.
  • If hierarchies or trees are assigned to segments of the source control budget, then the same segment on the target control budget must also be assigned a hierarchy and must be tracked at the same or higher level.

This table lists the parameters for Carry Forward Funds Available process.

Parameter Description

From Control Budget

Carries forward surplus funds available from this control budget

From Budget Period

Carries forward surplus funds available from this budget period of the control budget.


Surplus funds available for the budget period is calculated with this balance type.

Target Control Budget

Surplus funds available are carried forward to this control budget.

Target Budget Period

Surplus funds available are carried forward to this budget period of the target control budget

Classify Target Budget As

Determines whether the surplus funds available carried forward to the target control budget are classified as initial budget or budget adjustment.

Budget Account Filter

Surplus funds available are carried forward to the budget accounts that match the filter conditions selected

Note: If the source budget of the target control budget is the source for multiple control budgets, then the import process will import the amounts to all the control budgets that use that same source budget assuming the budget period matches all the control budgets.

You can see the results of carry forward in Budget Import Results Report which is triggered automatically after each carry forward.

Budget Import Results

The budget Import, Budget Import Results Report and Budget Import Analysis Report are run automatically. Budget entries are imported in the target budget period either as initial budget, if the budget period status is Available for Budgeting or budget adjustments, if the budget period status is Open.

Use the Budget Import Results Report, the Budget Import Analysis Report or the Review Budget Entries page from the Budgetary Control Dashboard to verify the budget amounts carried forward. The budget accounts and amounts can also be verified from the Review Budgetary Control Balances page or the Funds Available Report.