Overview of SAM Supplier Profile Change Approval Configuration

You can configure rules for System for Award Management (SAM) profile change approval to automatically approve or reject any changes to supplier information made by internal users.

The internal change management process applies to supplier’s addresses, bank accounts, organization details, and income tax. When a user changes them, a change request is submitted and routed for approval, and is automatically approved or rejected based on your configuration.

To prevent manual changes to SAM supplier information, you need to configure these 3 approval rules:

SAM Approval Rules

Rule Purpose Condition Action
Approval Rule 1 Autoreject changes to supplier information if the supplier is a SAM supplier.

Regional Information Equals FVxUSPOZSuppliers


Change Request Organization detail Global Attribute 3 Equals to Y

Approval Rule 2 Autoapprove changes to supplier information if the supplier isn’t a SAM supplier.

Regional Information Equals FVxUSPOZSuppliers


Change Request Organization detail Global Attribute 3 Does not equal Y

Approval Rule 3 Autoapprove changes to supplier information if the Regional Information attribute is set to a value other than FVxUSPOZSuppliers. Regional Information Does not equal FVxUSPOZSuppliers Autoapprove