Withholding Summary Tax Lines

The withholding summary tax lines view object contains the details of the withholding summary tax lines for transactions of multiple event classes.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ZxBiccExtractAM.WithholdingSummaryTaxLineExtractPVO

Primary Keys : WithholdingSummaryTaxLineSummaryTaxLineId

Initial Extract Date : WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineApplicationId The identifier of the transaction application for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute1 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute10 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute11 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute12 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute13 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute14 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute15 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute2 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute3 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute4 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute5 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute6 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute7 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute8 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute9 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeCategory The context name for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate1 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate2 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate3 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate4 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate5 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCancelFlag Indicates whether this withholding summary tax line is canceled by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar1 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar10 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar2 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar3 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar4 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar5 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar6 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar7 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar8 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar9 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCheckrunId Identifier of the payment process request for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCompoundingTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax line is compounded on top of another tax line for the withholding summary tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineContentOwnerId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the configuration owner of this withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCreatedBy The user who created the withholding summary tax line row.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCreationDate The date and time when the withholding summary tax line row was created.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCurrencyConversionDate The date of the exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCurrencyConversionRate The exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCurrencyConversionType The exchange rate type for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate10 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate6 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate7 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate8 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate9 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineEntityCode The entity code of the transaction for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineEstablishmentId The establishment identifier for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineEventClassCode The event class code of the withholding summary tax transaction.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineExemptCertificateNumber The tax exemption certificate number for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineExemptReasonCode The tax exemption reason code for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlDate The default accounting date for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineHistoricalFlag Indicates whether this withholding summary tax line is migrated from prior releases. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineInternalOrganizationId The identifier of the Internal organization of the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLastUpdateDate The date and time when the withholding summary tax line row was last updated.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the withholding summary tax line row.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the withholding summary tax line row.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLedgerId The identifier of the ledger for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineManuallyEnteredFlag Indicates whether this withholding summary tax line is manually entered by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric1 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric10 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric2 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric3 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric4 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric5 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric6 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric7 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric8 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric9 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the withholding summary tax line row has been updated.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLinePaymentDate The payment date associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLinePaymentId The identifier of the payment associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLinePaymentNumber The number of payment associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLinePeriodName The period of the default accounting date for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineRecordTypeCode The source from which the withholding summary tax line row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED, SEEDED, USER_DEFINED, MIGRATED, and FUSION_RI_UPLOAD.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineSummaryTaxLineId The unique identifier of the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineSummaryTaxLineNumber The line number generated for this withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTax The tax code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxAmt The total tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxAmtFunclCurr The total tax amount in the functional currency for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxAmtTaxCurr The total tax amount in the currency of the tax for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxCalculationFormula Formula code used for determining withholding tax amount.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxExceptionId The identifier of the tax exception for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxExemptionId The identifier of the tax exemption for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxJurisdictionCode The tax jurisdiction code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxJurisdictionId The identifier of the tax jurisdiction associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxRate The tax rate used to determine tax for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxRateCode The tax rate code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxStatusCode The tax status code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxableBasisFormula The formula code used for determining the taxable basis amount for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTrxId The unique identifier of the withholding summary tax line. This is a primary key of the Withholding Summary Tax Lines view object.