Journals for Mexico Report

This topic includes details about the Journals for Mexico report.


Companies in Mexico must submit accounting information to the tax authorities. Companies must upload accounting information to the Tax Administration Services (SAT) internet portal through a registered e-mail account.

Note: You can use your taxpayer identification registry (RFC) to register your e-mail address on the SAT portal.

The Journals for Mexico report collects information on all transactions that are accounted and posted in different subledgers. The report also captures information related to electronic invoices generated for sales or received from suppliers for purchases, as well as manually entered journals. However, you must update the global descriptive flexfields when entering and posting transactions in Oracle Payables, Oracle Receivables, and Oracle General Ledger.

This image shows an example of the report.

This image is a screenshot of the Journals for Mexico report.

Key Insights

To run the report, you must first enable the Journals for Mexico process so that you can run it from the Scheduled Processes page. For more information, see Enable the Mexican Reporting Processes.

When you run the Journals for Mexico process, detailed transaction information is extracted from General Ledger for the specified period.

The report is generated in an XML format and includes these sections:

  • Heading: Includes layout version, RFC number, and the date on which the report is generated.
  • Details: Provide accounting information from the journal entries. Note that the UUID information depicted in the GL journals is extracted directly from the AR and AP transactions. Any change in these trasactions at the subledger level don't need additional transfer actions to be included in the journals report.

    Do note:
    • Records in the journal entries are grouped based on your Payables and Receivables settings. The information in the expense reports are tracked from the Payables transactions. GL entries are depicted as they're entered in GL.
    • Your role requires the data security privilege, Report Person National Identifier. The report shows the employee national identification number for payment requests from Expenses.

Report Parameters

This table describes selected process parameters.



Request Type

Select the audit request type indicated by the Government.

  • AF - Audit Event

  • FC - On-site Audit

  • DE - Return

  • CO - Compensation

Audit Request Number

Specify the audit request number, when the request type is audit event (AF) or on-site audit (FC).

Audit Process Number

Specify the audit process number, when the request type is return (DE) or compensation (CO).

Journal Version

Enter the format version of the file defined by the Government of Mexico. It can change over time, such as 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. Currently, the default value is 1.3.

Seal Number

Specify the digital electronic seal provided by the Government for the accounting file.

Certificate Number

Specify the digital certificate seal that protects the electronic accounting file.

Digital Seal Certificate

Specify digital seal certificate that protects the electronic accounting file.

Journal Source

Specify the name of the journal source. When you specify the source, the journal lines from that source are extracted. When you specify ALL, journal lines from all the subledgers are extracted.

Show Adjustment Periods

Specify whether data during the adjustment period must be extracted and reported.


Specify the ledger from which you want to extract data. When you specify a ledger, only posted journal lines in that ledger are extracted.

From Period and To Period

Specify the range of subledger periods to be included for extracting data.

From Date and To Date Specify the date range to be included for extracting data. Date range must be between the From Period and the To Period parameters.

Posting Status

Specify whether posted data must be included in the report.

Include Zero Amount Lines

Specify whether zero amount lines must be included in the report.

Frequently Asked Questions

This table lists frequently asked questions about the Journals for Mexico report.



How do I find this report?

Schedule and run this report from the Scheduled Processes work area on the Navigator menu.

Who uses this report?

Financial accountant

When do I use this report?

Use this report to provide detailed accounting information to the tax authorities in Mexico.

What type of report is this?

Oracle Analytics Publisher