FA_ITF_IMPAIRMENTS contains information about impairment transactions.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: FA

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
IMPAIRMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifier of the impairment transaction.
BOOK_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Unique book identification name.
ASSET_ID NUMBER Yes Identifier of the asset number.
CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the cash generating unit.
NET_BOOK_VALUE NUMBER Net book value of an asset is the current cost minus total reserve, times the accumulated depreciation plus bonus reserve.
NET_SELLING_PRICE NUMBER Price for selling the asset net of cost of removal.
VALUE_IN_USE NUMBER Asset value in use for impairment evaluation.
IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Impairment loss amount of the asset.
YTD_IMPAIRMENT NUMBER Year-to-date impairment amount.
GOODWILL_ASSET_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Option indicating whether the asset is a goodwill asset.
DEPRN_RUN_DATE DATE The system date when depreciation was run.
DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Asset depreciation expense amount.
YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense.
DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Total depreciation expense including the bonus depreciation recognized for the asset.
ADJUSTED_COST NUMBER Depreciable basis of the asset, calculated as recoverable cost for cost basis depreciation methods, and recoverable cost less the accumulated depreciation for net book value basis methods.
BONUS_RATE NUMBER Bonus rate used to calculate bonus depreciation.
LTD_PRODUCTION NUMBER Life-to-date production for a units of production asset.
PERIOD_COUNTER NUMBER 18 Identifier of the depreciation period.
PRODUCTION NUMBER Current period production for a units of production asset.
REVAL_AMORTIZATION NUMBER Amount of revaluation reserve amortized during the current period.
REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS NUMBER Revaluation reserve used in calculating amortization of revaluation reserve. Updated only when the asset is revalued or has an amortized adjustment.
REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE NUMBER Portion of depreciation expense generated due to revaluation of the asset cost. Oracle Fusion Assets does not create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting only.
REVAL_RESERVE NUMBER Change in the net book value due to revaluation of asset cost and sometimes also revaluation of depreciation reserve for revaluation period. For all other periods, the revaluation reserve amount after depreciation run.
YTD_PRODUCTION NUMBER Year-to-date production for a units of production asset.
YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation. Oracle Fusion Assets does not create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting only.
PRIOR_FY_EXPENSE NUMBER Depreciation expense of prior fiscal years.
BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Bonus depreciation expense. Amount is included in DEPRN_AMOUNT.
BONUS_YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Bonus year-to-date depreciation expense. Amount is included in YTD_DEPRN.
BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Total bonus depreciation taken since the beginning of the asset life. Amount is included in DEPRN_RESERVE.
PRIOR_FY_BONUS_EXPENSE NUMBER Bonus depreciation expense from prior fiscal years.
DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator as to whether the depreciation amount for the period is overridden or not.
SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER System calculated depreciation amount.
SYSTEM_BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER System calculated bonus depreciation amount.
DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation expense adjustment amount for the period.
BONUS_DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Bonus depreciation adjustment amount.
REVAL_RESERVE_ADJ_AMOUNT NUMBER Change in the net book value due to depreciation reserve adjustment for revaluation period. For all other periods, the revaluation reserve amount after depreciation run.
COST NUMBER Total recorded cost of the asset.
PERIOD_OF_ADDITION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator as to whether asset is currently in the period of addition or not.
CURRENT_UNITS NUMBER Current number of units for the asset.
CATEGORY_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the asset category.
IMPAIRMENT_DATE DATE Date when the impairment transaction occurs.
WORKER_ID NUMBER 18 Internal identifier for parallel processing.
PROCESS_ORDER NUMBER 18 Internal identifier indicating the order in which transactions should be processed.
RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR NUMBER Internal factor used to adjust depreciation rates to depreciate the net book value over the remaining life.
FORMULA_FACTOR NUMBER Factor used to adjust the depreciation rate for formula-net book value method assets.
EOFY_RESERVE NUMBER Depreciation reserve at the end of the previous fiscal year.
IMPAIR_CLASS VARCHAR2 3 The type of impairment being defined.
REASON VARCHAR2 100 Reason for performing the impairment transaction.
SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator of whether the impairment is split or not. A value of Y means that the impairment is split. Any other value indicates that the impairment is not split.
SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS VARCHAR2 3 Impairment classification type for first splitting reason. Reasons can be consumption of economic benefit, change in property classes or other reason.
SPLIT1_REASON VARCHAR2 100 Reason for performing the first impairment split.
SPLIT1_LOSS_AMOUNT NUMBER Impairment loss amount internally calculated due to first split reason.
SPLIT1_REVAL_RESERVE NUMBER Amount of revaluation reserve adjusted by first split reason.
SPLIT1_PERCENT NUMBER 3 Split percentage due to first split reason.
SPLIT1_PROCESS_ORDER NUMBER Order in which the first split was processed.
SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS VARCHAR2 3 Impairment classification type for first splitting reason. Reasons can be consumption of economic benefit, change in property classes or other reason.
SPLIT2_REASON VARCHAR2 100 Reason for performing the second impairment split.
SPLIT2_LOSS_AMOUNT NUMBER Impairment loss amount internally calculated due to second split reason.
SPLIT2_REVAL_RESERVE NUMBER Amount of revaluation reserve adjusted by second split reason.
SPLIT2_PERCENT NUMBER 3 Split percentage due to second split reason.
SPLIT2_PROCESS_ORDER NUMBER Order in which the second split was processed.
SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS VARCHAR2 3 Impairment classification type for third splitting reason. Reasons can be consumption of economic benefit, change in property classes or other reason.
SPLIT3_REASON VARCHAR2 100 Reason for performing the third impairment split.
SPLIT3_LOSS_AMOUNT NUMBER Impairment loss amount internally calculated due to third split reason.
SPLIT3_REVAL_RESERVE NUMBER Amount of Revaluation Reserve adjusted by third split reason.
SPLIT3_PERCENT NUMBER 3 Split percentage due to third split reason.
SPLIT3_PROCESS_ORDER NUMBER Order in which the third split was processed.
CAPITAL_ADJUSTMENT NUMBER Value of capital adjustment after considering impairment transaction.
GENERAL_FUND NUMBER Value of general fund after considering impairment effect.
REVERSED_IMP_AMT NUMBER Amount of impairment loss amount attributed to impairment loss account reversed.
REVERSED_IMP_AMT_S1 NUMBER Amount of impairment loss amount attributed to impairment loss account reversed due to first split reason.
REVERSED_IMP_AMT_S2 NUMBER Amount of impairment loss amount attributed to impairment loss account reversed due to second split reason.
REVERSED_IMP_AMT_S3 NUMBER Amount of impairment loss amount attributed to impairment loss account reversed due to third split reason.
REVERSED_DEPRN_IMPACT NUMBER Amount of depreciation impact attributed to income and expense account reversed.
REVERSED_DEPRN_IMPACT_S1 NUMBER Amount of depreciation impact attributed to income and expense account reversed due to first split reason.
REVERSED_DEPRN_IMPACT_S2 NUMBER Amount of depreciation impact attributed to income and expense account reversed due to second split reason.
REVERSED_DEPRN_IMPACT_S3 NUMBER Amount of depreciation impact attributed to income and expense account reversed due to third split reason.
REVERSED_REVAL_AMT NUMBER Amount of impairment loss amount attributed to revaluation reserve account reversed.
REVERSED_REVAL_AMT_S1 NUMBER Amount of impairment loss amount attributed to revaluation reserve account reversed due to first split reason.
REVERSED_REVAL_AMT_S2 NUMBER Amount of impairment loss amount attributed to revaluation reserve account reversed due to second split reason.
REVERSED_REVAL_AMT_S3 NUMBER Amount of impairment loss amount attributed to revaluation reserve account reversed due to third split reason.
REVERSED_REVAL_IMPACT NUMBER Amount of depreciation impact attributed to revaluation reserve account reversed.
REVERSED_REVAL_IMPACT_S1 NUMBER Amount of first split depreciation impact attributed to revaluation reserve account reversed.
REVERSED_REVAL_IMPACT_S2 NUMBER Amount of second split depreciation impact attributed to revaluation reserve account reversed.
REVERSED_REVAL_IMPACT_S3 NUMBER Amount of third split depreciation impact attributed to revaluation reserve account reversed.
IMPAIRMENT_RESERVE NUMBER Total impairment loss recognized for the asset.
ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation limit amount for the asset.
HISTORICAL_NET_BOOK_VALUE NUMBER Asset net book value if no impairment loss is recognized.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
IMPAIR_LOSS_BALANCE NUMBER Accumulated impairment expense.
REVAL_LOSS_BALANCE NUMBER Accumulated revaluation loss balance.
REVAL_AMORT_BALANCE NUMBER Accumulated revaluation amortization.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
fa_mc_itf_impairments fa_itf_impairments IMPAIRMENT_ID, ASSET_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns