FA_MC_BOOKS_SUMMARY contains currency and financial information about asset depreciation in each reporting book. It is an MRC sub-table of FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: FA

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifier of the accounting ledger.
ASSET_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifier of the asset number.
BOOK_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Unique book identification name.
PERIOD_COUNTER NUMBER 18 Yes Identifier of the depreciation period.
FISCAL_YEAR NUMBER 18 Name of the accounting fiscal year.
PERIOD_NUM NUMBER 18 Period number of depreciation period in the fiscal year.
CALENDAR_PERIOD_OPEN_DATE DATE Start date of the calendar period.
CALENDAR_PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE DATE End date of the calendar period.
RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Option indicating whether there is an adjustment that requires to recalculate the adjusted cost of the asset.
CHANGE_IN_COST NUMBER Total change in the cost of the asset for the period.
CHANGE_IN_ADDITIONS_COST NUMBER Change in the addition cost of the asset.
CHANGE_IN_ADJUSTMENTS_COST NUMBER Change in the asset cost due to adjustment.
CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST NUMBER Change in the construction-in-process cost of the asset.
COST NUMBER Total recorded cost of the asset.
CIP_COST NUMBER Construction-in-Process cost of the asset.
SALVAGE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Salvage type assigned to the asset. It can be either amount, percentage, or sum of member assets.
PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE NUMBER Salvage value percentage for the asset.
SALVAGE_VALUE NUMBER Salvage value amount for the asset.
MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE NUMBER Sum of member assets salvage value.
RECOVERABLE_COST NUMBER Cost minus salvage value, or depreciation ceiling, whichever is lower.
DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Depreciation limit type assigned to the asset. It can be either amount, percentage, sum of member assets, or none.
ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT NUMBER Depreciation limit percentage for the asset.
ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation limit amount for the asset.
MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT NUMBER Sum of depreciation limit as a flat amount, subtracted from cost.
ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST NUMBER Adjusted recoverable cost with special depreciation limits taken into account.
ADJUSTED_COST NUMBER Depreciable basis of the asset, calculated as recoverable cost for cost basis depreciation methods, and recoverable cost less the accumulated depreciation for net book value basis methods.
DEPRECIATE_FLAG VARCHAR2 3 Option indicating whether the asset is depreciating.
DISABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Option indicating whether the group asset is enabled or disabled.
DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE DATE Date when the asset was placed in service.
RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR NUMBER Internal factor used to adjust depreciation rates to depreciate the net book value over the remaining life.
ADJUSTED_CAPACITY NUMBER Remaining production capacity used to depreciate assets that use units of production method.
PRODUCTION_CAPACITY NUMBER Production capacity for assets that use units of production method.
UNIT_OF_MEASURE VARCHAR2 25 Physical quantity that is used as a standard for measurement.
REMAINING_LIFE1 NUMBER 4 Remaining life of the asset calculated as on the conversion date, prorate date or fiscal year start date.
REMAINING_LIFE2 NUMBER 4 Remaining life of the asset calculated as on the fiscal year start date.
FORMULA_FACTOR NUMBER Factor used to adjust the depreciation rate for formula-net book value method assets.
UNREVALUED_COST NUMBER Asset cost without regard to any revaluations.
REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS NUMBER Revaluation reserve used in calculating amortization of revaluation reserve. This changes only when the asset is revalued or an amortized adjustment is performed.
REVAL_CEILING NUMBER Upper limit for revaluing asset cost.
EOFY_ADJ_COST NUMBER Adjusted cost at the end of the previous fiscal year.
EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR NUMBER Formula factor at the end of the previous fiscal year.
EOFY_RESERVE NUMBER Depreciation reserve at the end of the previous fiscal year.
EOP_ADJ_COST NUMBER Adjusted cost at the end of the previous period.
EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR NUMBER Formula factor at the end of the previous period.
SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG VARCHAR2 3 Option indicating whether the asset is added in short tax year.
GROUP_ASSET_ID NUMBER 18 Identification number of the group asset.
OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION VARCHAR2 30 Option indicating whether over depreciation is allowed for the group asset depreciation or not.
FULLY_RSVD_REVALS_COUNTER NUMBER 5 Number of times the asset has been revalued as fully reserved.
CAPITALIZED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Option indicating whether the asset is a capitalized or construction-in-process asset.
FULLY_RESERVED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Option indicating whether the asset is fully reserved.
FULLY_RETIRED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Option indicating whether the asset is fully reserved.
LIFE_COMPLETE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Option indicating whether the asset life is completed.
TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT NUMBER Accumulated depreciation remaining for the group asset after the last member asset of the group asset is retired.
TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Option indicating whether terminal gain or loss amount needs to be processed by the Calculate Gains and Losses program, when it is running for the last period of the fiscal year.
DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Asset depreciation expense amount.
YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense.
DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Total depreciation expense including the bonus depreciation recognized for the asset.
BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Bonus depreciation expense. Amount included in DEPRN_AMOUNT.
BONUS_YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Bonus year-to-date depreciation expense. Amount included in YTD_DEPRN.
BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Total bonus depreciation taken since the beginning of the asset life. Amount included in DEPRN_RESERVE.
BONUS_RATE NUMBER Bonus rate used to calculate bonus depreciation.
LTD_PRODUCTION NUMBER Life-to-date production for assets that use a units of production method.
YTD_PRODUCTION NUMBER Year-to-date production for a units of production asset.
PRODUCTION NUMBER Current period production for a units of production asset.
REVAL_AMORTIZATION NUMBER Amount of revaluation reserve amortized during this period.
REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE NUMBER Portion of depreciation expense generated due to revaluation of the asset cost. Oracle Fusion Assets does not create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting only.
REVAL_RESERVE NUMBER Change in the net book value due to revaluation of asset cost and sometimes also revaluation of depreciation reserve for revaluation period. For all other periods, the revaluation reserve amount after depreciation run.
YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation. Oracle Fusion Assets does not create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting only.
DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator as to whether the depreciation amount for the period is overridden.
SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER System calculated depreciation amount.
SYSTEM_BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER System calculated depreciation amount.
YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE NUMBER Year-to-date proceeds of sale for an asset.
LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE NUMBER Life-to-date proceeds of sale amount for the asset.
YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL NUMBER Year-to-date cost of removal amount of the asset.
LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL NUMBER Life-to-date cost of removal amount for the asset.
DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation expense adjustment amount for the period.
EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation expense adjustment amount for the period.
UNPLANNED_AMOUNT NUMBER Unplanned depreciation amount of the asset.
RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation reserve adjustment amount for the asset.
CHANGE_IN_EOFY_RESERVE NUMBER Change in depreciation reserve at the end previous of fiscal year.
SWITCH_CODE VARCHAR2 2 Current depreciation code for a Polish depreciation basis that is in use for the asset.
TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_IN NUMBER 18 Identifier of the transaction that created the row.
TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_OUT NUMBER 18 Identifier of the transaction that terminated the row.
POLISH_DEPRN_BASIS NUMBER Depreciation basis amount used for assets with a polish depreciation basis rule.
POLISH_ADJ_REC_COST NUMBER Adjusted recoverable cost used for assets with a polish depreciation basis rule.
METHOD_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the depreciation method.
FLAT_RATE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the rates for the flat rate depreciation method.
BONUS_RULE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the depreciation bonus rule.
CEILING_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the depreciation ceiling.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
CAPITAL_ADJUSTMENT NUMBER Value of capital adjustment after considering impairment transaction.
GENERAL_FUND NUMBER Value of general fund after considering impairment effect.
IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Impairment loss amount of the asset.
IMPAIRMENT_RESERVE NUMBER Total impairment loss recognized for the asset.
YTD_IMPAIRMENT NUMBER Year-to-date impairment amount.
IMPAIR_LOSS_BALANCE NUMBER Accumulated impairment expense.
REVAL_LOSS_BALANCE NUMBER Accumulated revaluation loss balance.
REVAL_AMORT_BALANCE NUMBER Accumulated revaluation amortization.
ASSET_TYPE VARCHAR2 11 The type of asset allowed in the Oracle Fusion Assets. The asset types allowed are Capitalized, Construction-in-Process, Expensed, and Group.
BONUS_RESERVE_ADJ_AMOUNT NUMBER Bonus depreciation reserve adjustment amount for the asset.
REVAL_RESERVE_ADJ_AMOUNT NUMBER Revaluation reserve adjustment amount for the asset.
IMPAIRMENT_RESERVE_ADJ_AMOUNT NUMBER Impairment reserve adjustment amount for the asset.
BONUS_EXPENSE_ADJ_AMOUNT NUMBER Bonus depreciation expense adjustment amount for the period.
EXTENDED_DEPRN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the asset depreciation is extended.
RESERVE_RET_ADJ_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation reserve adjustment amount for the period.
BONUS_RESERVE_RET_ADJ_AMOUNT NUMBER Bonus depreciation reserve adjustment amount for the period.
REVAL_RESERVE_RET_ADJ_AMOUNT NUMBER Revaluation reserve adjustment amount for the period.
IMP_RESERVE_RET_ADJ_AMOUNT NUMBER Impairment reserve adjustment amount for the period.
AMORTIZE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the asset is amortized or not.
ACCELERATED_ADJUSTED_COST NUMBER The base amount on which the accelerated depreciation is calculated.
BONUS_ADJUSTED_COST NUMBER The base amount on which the bonus depreciation is calculated.
ACCELERATED_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER The accelerated depreciation amount calculated for the period.
ACCELERATED_DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER The accelerated depreciation reserve balance for the period.
ACCELERATED_YTD_DEPRN NUMBER The accelerated depreciation YTD balance for the period.
ACC_DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER The adjustment amount calculated for retroactive adjustments included in the accelerated depreciation for the period.
LEASE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the capital or operating lease.
LEASE_SCHEDULE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique lease payment schedule identification number.
LEASE_EXPENSE_BASIS NUMBER Basis used for calculating the periodic lease expense of the asset.
LEASE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR NUMBER Internal factor used to amortize the lease basis over the remaining lease term of the asset.
DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR NUMBER Controls the speed of depreciation of an asset by multiplying this factor by the annual depreciation rate.
FULLY_RESERVE_ON_ADD_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether to fully depreciate an asset when the asset is added.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns