FA_SCHEDULE16_REP_T stores information required by Japanese Corporate Tax Schedule 16 Reports.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: FA

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
SCHEDULE16_REP_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Schedule 16 report record unique identifier.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
COMPANY_NAME VARCHAR2 240 The name of the legal entity that owns the assets in an asset book.
BOOK_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Unique asset book identification name.
START_DATE DATE The date from which the asset information is reported.
END_DATE DATE The date up to which the asset information is reported.
REPORT_CODE VARCHAR2 2 Yes The name of the report process that populated the data.
ASSET_ID NUMBER 18 Unique asset identification number.
CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Category flexfield major category segment value and identification number.
STRUCTURE VARCHAR2 150 User entered asset structure name of the asset.
SPECIFICATION VARCHAR2 150 User entered specification of the asset.
ONE_TIME_DEPRN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the asset is a temporary depreciation asset.
DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE DATE The date placed in service of the asset in the tax book.
LIFE_YEAR NUMBER The useful life of the assets in years.
COST NUMBER Total recorded cost of the asset.
PROVISION_COMPRESS_AMOUNT NUMBER The compressed depreciation reserve amount for the asset.
COMPRESS_AMOUNT NUMBER The compressed depreciation deduction amount for the asset.
SALVAGE_VALUE NUMBER Salvage value amount for the asset.
DEPRN_LIMIT_SALVAGE_VALUE NUMBER The depreciation limit or the salvage value of the asset in the specified asset book.
NET_BOOK_VALUE NUMBER The net book value of the asset.
BASIC_RATE NUMBER Basic depreciation rate of the flat rate depreciation method.
ADDITIONAL_DEPRN_SUBJECT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Japan tax legislation article that allows additional depreciation.
ADDITIONAL_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Additional depreciation amount of the asset.
ADDITIONAL_DEPRN_RATE NUMBER Depreciation rate used to calculate the additional depreciation.
SPECIAL_DEPRN_SUBJECT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Japan tax legislation article that allows special depreciation.
SPECIAL_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Special depreciation amount of the asset.
SPECIAL_DEPRN_RATE NUMBER Depreciation rate used to calculate the special depreciation.
INCREASED_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Increased depreciation amount of the asset.
INCREASED_DEPRN_RATE NUMBER Depreciation rate used to calculate the increased depreciation.
DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Depreciation reserve balance at the end of the period.
ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT NUMBER Depreciation limit as a percentage of cost for the asset.
DATE_FULLY_RESERVED DATE The date on which the asset was fully reserved in the specified book.
DATE_FULLY_RETIRED DATE The date on which the asset was fully retired in the specified book.
DEPRN_COUNT NUMBER 4 The number of periods that the asset has depreciated.
NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR NUMBER 4 The number of periods in a fiscal year.
BEGINNING_CORP_NBV NUMBER Net book value of the asset in the corporate book at the start date.
ENDING_CORP_NBV NUMBER Net book value of the asset in the corporate book at the end date.
BEGINNING_TAX_NBV NUMBER Net book value of the asset in the tax book at the start date.
ENDING_TAX_NBV NUMBER Net book value of the asset in the tax book at the end date.
BEGINNING_CORP_DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Accumulated depreciation of the asset in the corporate book at the start date.
BEGINNING_TAX_DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Accumulated depreciation of the asset in the tax book at the start date.
CORP_YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation amount of the asset in the corporate book.
YTD_DEPRN_LIMIT NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation limit amount of the asset.
BALANCE_CARRIED_FORWARD NUMBER The balance carried forward from the prior year.
AMOUNT_CARRIED_FORWARD NUMBER The amount carried forward to the next year.
EXTENDED_DEPRN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the asset depreciation is extended.
DEPRN_ADJ_AMT_BEFORE_ALLOC NUMBER Deprecation adjustment amount before the allocation.
GUARANTEE_RATE NUMBER Depreciation rate that assures a minimum depreciation amount for the asset.
GUARANTEE_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation amount calculated for the asset using the guaranteed depreciation rate.
ADJUSTED_COST NUMBER The adjusted cost of the asset in the specified book.
REVISED_RATE NUMBER Revised depreciation rate of the asset.
DEPRECIATION_PERIOD_IN_MONTH NUMBER 4 The number of period the asset has depreciated in the current fiscal year.
REVERSED_COMPRESSED_AMOUNT NUMBER User entered compressed depreciation reversed amount for the asset in the current fiscal year.
PRIOR_CARRIED_DEFICIT_AMOUNT NUMBER User entered special depreciation deficit carried forward from the prior year for the asset.
CURRENT_DEFICIT_AMOUNT NUMBER User entered special depreciation deficit amount for the asset.
CARRIED_FORWARD_DEFICIT_AMOUNT NUMBER User entered special depreciation deficit carried over to the next year for the asset.
PRIOR_NBV_DEFICIT_AMOUNT NUMBER User entered special depreciation deficit net book value carried forward from the prior year for the asset.
DEFICIT_CARRY_OVER_PERIOD VARCHAR2 150 User entered special depreciation deficit net book value carried forward from the prior year for the asset.
EXPENSED_REVERSAL_COMP_RSRV NUMBER User entered compressed depreciation reversal reserve for the asset.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns