Guidelines for Creating Mass Transactions

Use Oracle Assets interface tables to populate transaction information for a large volume of assets, and submit a process to post these transactions to the respective assets.

You can also use the interface tables to integrate with an external source system to receive and process the asset changes from external applications.

You can create the following types of mass transactions:

  • Mass adjustments

  • Mass retirements and reinstatements

  • Mass transfers

Mass Adjustments

Perform mass adjustments for the following types of transactions:

Transaction Type


Cost and rule changes

Perform adjustments to change information such as the asset cost, salvage information, and depreciation information.

Source line transfers

Transfer source lines between capitalized assets, construction-in-process (CIP) assets, capitalized and CIP assets, and CIP and capitalized assets.

Category changes

Change the asset category along with its descriptive flexfield information.

Suspend depreciation

Stop calculating depreciation for the specified assets.

Resume depreciation

Resume depreciation of assets for which depreciation was previously suspended.

Unplanned depreciation

Enter the negative or positive unplanned depreciation for the current open period.

Group changes

Assign a standalone asset as a member of a group asset, transfer member assets from one group asset to another group asset, or make a member asset a standalone asset.

Capitalization transactions

Capitalize CIP assets that are placed in service and need to begin depreciating.

Reverse capitalization transactions

Reverse the capitalization to correct capitalization errors.

Mass Retirements and Reinstatements

Perform mass retirements or reinstatements for the following types of transactions:

Transaction Type


Cost retirements

Partially or fully retire multiple assets in the corporate or tax book by cost.

Unit retirements

Partially or fully retire multiple assets in the corporate book by units.

Source line retirements

Partially or fully retire multiple assets in the corporate or tax book by source line.


Undo retirements that were performed erroneously for a group of assets.

Mass Transfers

Perform mass transfers for the following types of transactions:

Transaction Type



Change one or more assignments for multiple assets. You can also adjust the unit assignments for the existing assignments of the assets.

Unit adjustments

Change the units assigned to one or more distributions for multiple assets.