Partially Retire an Asset

In this example, you partially retire an asset by cost and by units.

Partially Retire an Asset by Cost

  1. On the Assets page, click the Retire Assets panel tab.

  2. Search for the asset number 100078.

  3. Highlight asset 100078 and click Retire Cost.

  4. The current cost of the asset is $5000. Enter $3000 in the Cost Retired field.

  5. Enter any additional retirement details.

  6. Click Submit.

Partially Retire an Asset by Units

  1. On the Assets page, click the Retire Assets panel tab.

  2. Search for the asset number 100079.

  3. Highlight asset 100079 and click Retire Units.

  4. The asset contains 10 desks. Enter 5 in the Retired Units column.

  5. Enter any additional retirement details.

  6. Click Submit.