How Invalid Source Document Lines are Processed

Oracle Revenue Management provides the Contract Document Correction spreadsheet to correct and purge invalid source document data. Access the spreadsheet via the Correct Contract Document Errors in Spreadsheet task on the Revenue Management Overview page.

Using the spreadsheet, you can:

  • Correct invalid source data.
  • Identify source data rejected due to duplicates.
  • Delete invalid and rejected source data.

Use the Document Line Errors tab in the Contract Document Correction spreadsheet to correct and reprocess the source document lines containing invalid source document data.

For more information, refer to this topic: How can I correct contract document errors?

Revenue Management processes source document data based on the value you specify in the Invalid Line Handling field.

When you set the Invalid Line Handling field to Reject line or leave it blank:

  • Only invalid source document lines display on the spreadsheet.
  • The application executes the contract creation process for all valid source document lines, regardless of whether there are related contract lines in error status.
  • Once you correct the related invalid source document lines, the corrected lines are created as a new contract if the existing contract is frozen.

When you set the Invalid Line Handling field to Reject contract:

  • Both valid and invalid source document lines display on the spreadsheet.
  • The application suspends the contract creation process for source documents with invalid source document lines until all the invalid source document lines are corrected and error free.
  • The application assigns a related line error to the valid source document lines, indicating that the line is valid but not processed, due to associated source document lines that contain data errors.
  • The Validate Customer Contract Source Data process identifies contracts and assigns a unique contract ID string, which is the unique contract identifier assigned to the source document line during the contract identification rule evaluation process. When a source document line cannot be assigned a contract ID string, the line displays with a contract ID string error.
  • Once you correct the invalid source document lines and upload the updates in the spreadsheet, the application executes the Validate Customer Contract Source Data process to reprocess the invalid source document lines.