How Revenue Basis Import Data Is Processed

You can use the import process to import revenue-related data such as sales orders.

This data reflects promises made to customers and is used to create contracts and performance obligations in Revenue Management. You also use the import process to import data that reflects revisions, terminations, and satisfaction of obligations for customer contracts.

Use the Revenue Basis Data Import template to enter the revenue data that will be imported into Revenue Management. The template contains a detailed instruction worksheet on how to prepare and upload your revenue data. The template also provides field-level bubble help to help you with entering your data.

You can use the import process to import revenue data or promises to the customers, which are then grouped into performance obligations and contracts.

Settings That Affect the Revenue Basis Data Import Process

The Revenue Basis Data Import template contains an instructions tab, plus three tabs that represent the tables where the data is loaded:

Spreadsheet Tab


Instructions and DAT Generation

Contains instruction information about preparing and loading data, the format of the template, submitting the Validate Customer Contract Source Data process, and correcting import errors.


Enter the source document header information.


Enter information about the source document lines, such as the quantity, unit selling price, and line amount.


Enter information about satisfaction events.

When entering data in the Revenue Basis Data Import template, ensure the following:

  1. The values for the following columns should be the same in the VRM_SOURCE_DOCUMENTS worksheet and the VRM_SOURCE_DOC_LINES worksheet of the Revenue Basis Data Import template for related rows:

    • Source document type code

    • Source document unique identifier 1 through 5

    • Source document unique identifier character 1 through 5

    • Date of source document

    • Bill-to customer site reference in the source system

    • Ship-to customer site reference in the source system

    • Bill-to customer reference in the source system

    • Ship-to customer reference in the source system

    • Customer classification of a bill-to customer

    • Source system

  2. The values for the following columns should be the same in the VRM_SOURCE_DOC_LINES worksheet and the VRM_SOURCE_DOC_SUB_LINES worksheet of the Revenue Basis Data Import template for related rows:

    • Source document type unique identifier

    • Flexible source document line reference 1 through 5

    • Flexible source document line unique identifier character 1 through 5

How Revenue Data Is Processed

Load the Data

  1. After you finish preparing the data in the parent and child worksheets, click the Generate DAT File button. The process generates a Zip file that contains the DAT file.

  2. Click Navigator > File Import and Export.

  3. Click the Plus icon in the Search Results table.

  4. Browse and upload the Zip file that has been generated.

  5. Select fin/revenueManagement/import as the account.

  6. Click Save and Close so that the file is placed in the SFTP server or UCM.

  7. Navigate to the Scheduled Processes page and click Schedule New Process.

  8. Select the Load Interface File for Import process.

  9. Select Import Revenue Basis Data as the import process.

  10. Select the data file that was placed in the server.

  11. Submit the process to load the data into the interface tables.

  12. Review the results of the process.

Correct Load Errors and Regenerate and Load the DAT File

If the load of the DAT file fails on any row, the Load Interface File for Import process ends in error and the Load File to Interface child process ends in either warning or error. All rows that were loaded from the DAT file are deleted, even those rows that loaded successfully. This lets you edit the problematic data in the spreadsheet and resubmit it without having to separate the successful rows from the rows that need modification.

  1. Review the log and output files of the Load File to Interface child process for information about the data that caused the failure.

  2. Correct the data in the template you used as part of the steps outlined in the Load the Data section.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 in the Load the Data section.

  4. Repeat all of these steps until all data is loaded successfully.

Recommendations for Loading Data

You can generate the DAT file using either of these methods:

  • Populate the revenue data in the template.

  • Use SQL, ODI, or any similar tool to extract revenue data into a DAT file similar in structure to the DAT file generated by the template.

After importing your revenue data, you must:

  1. Run the Validate Customer Contract Source Data process to validate the revenue data.

  2. Correct any errors from the Validate Customer Contract Source Data process using the Correct Contract Document Errors spreadsheet.

  3. Run the Identify Customer Contracts process to create or reflect any revisions to your customer contracts and performance obligations within Revenue Management.