How You Upload Standalone Selling Prices Using a Spreadsheet

You can upload standalone selling prices using the Create Standalone Selling Prices spreadsheet, which you access from the Edit Standalone Selling Price Profile page.

Standalone selling price profiles contain the details Revenue Management uses to derive the standalone selling price for an item, item group, memo line, or performance obligation template. You assign each item, item group, memo line, or performance obligation template to a standalone selling price profile before uploading standalone selling prices through the Create Standalone Selling Prices spreadsheet.

You can upload standalone selling prices directly through the Create Standalone Selling Prices spreadsheet without assigning the items to a profile. When you upload the standalone selling price of an item, item group, memo line, or performance obligation template that isn't previously assigned to a standalone selling price profile, the application automatically assigns the profile you initiated the Create Standalone Selling Prices spreadsheet from.

The application uses the standalone selling price for the effective period in which the contract date falls to determine which standalone selling price is assigned for the source document line.

Standalone selling prices must exist for the combination of pricing dimension, currency, effective period, unit of measure, and item. If standalone selling prices aren't available for the effective period, an error message appears on the performance obligation or promised detail line on the customer contract stating that the standalone selling price is missing.