Standalone Selling Price Policy for Ranges

The standalone selling price policy for ranges determines the rules you follow each time the Identify Customer Contracts process compares the selling price with the standalone selling price low and high points.

You upload this policy to determine the standalone selling price that is used for allocation when you use standalone selling price ranges. Your standalone selling price policy must specify how the Identify Customer Contracts process handles selling prices for these three scenarios:

Scenario Description
Below low point The selling price falls below the standalone selling price low point.
In range The selling price falls between the standalone selling price low and high points (the low and high points are inclusive).
Above high point The selling price falls above the standalone selling price high point.

For these three scenarios, you must choose one of the following values:

  • SSP Low Point
  • SSP Midpoint
  • SSP High Point
  • Selling Price
  • Sales Point: The sales point represents the price published by the business as the published sales point of an item or service.

For example, if you enter SSP Low Point for the Below Low Point attribute, it means that the standalone selling price will be the value you entered for the SSP Low Point attribute when the selling price falls below the low point.