Considerations for Registering a Source System

To achieve a successful implementation of Accounting Hub, certain points must be considered.


  1. Determine the subledger requirements. For example, how many subledgers are to be created?

    • Using the same subledger enables you to share subledger accounting rules, and lets you report across all data easily.

    • Using separate subledgers provides more security across applications and less data in each process run providing better performance. Specific benefits are:

      • If you run two Create Accounting processes at the same time for different applications, they are much less likely to contend for database resources.

  2. Determine what source data is required to create subledger journal entries from transactions.

  3. Analyze the transaction life cycles that create accounting impact.

  4. Determine how often to upload subledger transaction data into Accounting Hub. This may depend on the immediacy and volumes of accounting requirements in your company.