Submission Message Data Variations – Issued Invoices Register

This section discusses how to handle submission of message data variations related to Issued Invoices Register

Examples for invoices issued to domestic and intra-EU customers are as follows. Only detail sections of the messages are discussed here.

Invoices Issued to Domestic Customers

Here are the details of the invoices issued to Domestic Customers:
               <sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisor>ES AR 2016 LE INV-
<sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia>07</sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOT rascendencia> 
                  <sii:NombreRazon>Cinco Dias</sii:NombreRazon> 

Invoices Issued to Intra-EU Customers

Here are the details of the invoices issued to Intra EU Customers:
               <sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisor>ES AR 2016 LE INV-
<sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia>01</sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOT rascendencia> 
                  <sii:NombreRazon>ES EU Customer</sii:NombreRazon> 

Rectification Transactions

You can have these cases:

Create a Credit Memo and mark it as R1 to R5 (Document Fiscal Classification). Type of Rectification are tagged as 'I', that’s, by difference.

Otherwise, if you create a rectification invoice and mark it as R1 to R5 (Document Fiscal Classification), then the type of Rectification is tagged as 'S'.

Rectification transactions are as follows:
               <sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisor>ES AR 2016 LE INV-
                  <sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisor>ES AR 2016 LE INV-
<sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia>01</sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOT rascendencia> 
                  <sii:NombreRazon>Cinco Dias</sii:NombreRazon> 

Transactions with Tax Exemptions

A sample output showing the amount with exemption and the exemption reason. ES-SE-Customer1 has an exemption defined as shown in Receivables Setup.

You can also see the transaction in Rectification Invoices as follows:
               <sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisor>ES AR 2016 LE INV-
<sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia>01</sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOT rascendencia> 

Invoices having MORE than One Special Regime Classifications

Starting from v0.7, you can report more than one special regime specifications for your transactions. Allowed number of maximum special regimes is 3.

A sample output showing how the additional special regime specifications is as follows:
               <sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisor>ES AR 2017 LE INV-
<sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia>01</sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOT rascendencia>                
               <sii:DescripcionOperacion>OVS_V7_AR_03 line 
                  <sii:NombreRazon>Cinco Dias</sii:NombreRazon> 

Invoices having Lines that are Grouped under BOTH S1 and S2

Starting from v0.7, you can report your transactions with both S1 and S2 type. S3 block is created.

A sample output showing S3 block is as follows:

Transaction has 2 lines, one with 21% rate and the other with 0% rate.
<sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia>01</sii:ClaveRegimenEspecialOT rascendencia> 
               <sii:DescripcionOperacion>First line</sii:DescripcionOperacion> 
                  <sii:NombreRazon>Cinco Dias</sii:NombreRazon> 

Invoices for Customers Outside of EU

Transactions for foreign customers are represented with the ID Value for the corresponding ID type. ID type is ‘Passport Number’ for the customer in this example.
                  <sii:NombreRazon>James Rodriguez</sii:NombreRazon> 

Summary Invoices – Type F4

If your invoice is of type F4, you’re expected to enter the last invoice number in the GDF field. The invoice number is used as the first invoice number for the summary invoice. Here’s an example:
<sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisorResumenFin>AR039</sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisorR esumenFin> 

You can also refer to the Customers section.

Invoices with Special Regime Classification ‘06’ and Tax Amount 0.00

Payables and Receivables invoices with the global descriptive flexfield Special Regime = 06, that have several invoice lines and some invoice lines with tax amount 0.00 and other invoice lines with tax amount >0.00 are reported to show only lines that have tax amount >0.00.

Issued Invoices Register and Received Invoices Register report only invoice lines that have tax amount >0.00.

Issued invoices register example:

Note: The invoice line amount of 50.00 that has 0% VAT isn’t included in BaseImponibleACoste 
Received invoice register example: 
<sii:ImporteTotal>1444.00</sii:ImporteTotal> <sii:BaseImponibleACoste>1000.00</sii:BaseImponibleACoste> 
Note: The invoice line amount of 234.00 that has 0% VAT isn’t included in BaseImponibleACoste