Submit Online VAT Reporting Confirmation for Spain

When the response messages are received, they are uploaded for confirmation processing. Each message is assigned a unique ID.

To start the confirmation, follow these steps:

  1. Submit Online VAT Confirmation for Spain process.
  2. Enter the confirmation message identifier that’s assigned to the response message using the corresponding parameter. For example, if the confirmation message is for transactions in Issued Invoices Register, enter the identifier in ‘Response for Issued Invoices’ parameter.
  3. Refer to Appendix 1 – How to Upload Confirmation Response Messages for technical details related to uploading the confirmation message. Note: You can only enter the value in one of the above parameters for a single submission.
  4. Submit the process.

    The file contains all information that’s necessary to process the submitted records.

    If the submission was for ‘Issued Invoices Register’, the confirmation file is processed as follows:

    For a record, if the tax authority status is accepted, the corresponding transaction header is updated as:

    Tax Authority Status: ‘A’ (Accepted)

    Date Last Updated: (System date)

This table explains invoice status and tax authority status variations

Invoice Transaction (I) Receipt/Payment (P) Tax Authoritty Status

A: Accepted

AE: Accepted with Errors

R: Rejected

Process Details
I A Transaction/Invoice Header: Tax Authority Status is updated as ‘A’. Date Last Updated is updated with system date.
P A Receivable Application/Invoice Payment: Tax Authority Status is updated as ‘A’. Date Last Updated is updated with system date.

Transaction/Invoice Header: Tax Authority Status is updated as ‘AE’.

Date Last Updated is updated with system date. Message Code and Message Description are updated with the message information in the return file record.

P AE Receivable Application/Invoice Payment: Tax Authority Status is updated as ‘AE’. Date Last Updated is updated with system date. Message Code and Message Description are updated with the message information in the return file record.

Transaction/Invoice Header: Tax Authority Status is updated as ‘R’.

Date Last Updated is updated with system date. Message Code and Message Description are updated with the message information in the return file record.

P R Receivable Application/Invoice Payment: Tax Authority Status is updated as ‘R’. Date Last Updated is updated with system date. Message Code and Message Description are updated with the message information in the return file record.

The Response XML message sent by the Tax Agency contains the list of accepted invoices, accepted with errors and rejected together with the expression of the reason why they aren’t accepted or rejected with errors.

Here’s a sample section:

               <sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisor>ES AR 2017 LE INV-

A report is generated showing the confirmation details:

Here are the samples:

This image shows the sample reports:

This image shows the sample reports.

Note: If you have tried to submit transactions that are already registered in the tax authority databases, your message is rejected with ‘Duplicated invoice’ or ‘Duplicate Intra-Community Operation’ errors depending on the register type. The Response also indicates the safe verification code (CSV) that serves to record the submission, except in the case that all invoices sent are rejected.