Submit Online VAT Reporting for Spain - Modified

You can use the process to report modifications on your already submitted records. Transactions with ‘M: Modified’ status are selected and processed. Submit any time after you assign ‘M’ status to several transactions and when you want to report these modifications to the Tax Authority.

Use Addition as the Communication Type to report new transactions, which are in the Ready or Null status, for tax reporting. You can submit the Online VAT Reporting for Spain process daily, every other day, or multiple times a day.

Complete these steps to submit Online VAT reporting for Spain:

  1. Edit the transaction that you want to modify.

  2. Update Transaction Status at header level as ‘M’ (Modified).

  3. Do other allowed changes on your transaction. For example, you may want to correct invalid tax registration number for your customer.

  4. Save the transaction.

  5. Repeat similar changes on all transactions that you want to re-submit.

  6. Submit Online VAT Reporting for Spain in the ‘Modified’ mode.

  7. On the Process Details dialog box, enter the parameters in this table:



    Legal Entity or First Party TRN

    Enter the Legal Entity or First Party TRN (LoV lists LEs associated to the Ledgers that you have the access to).

    Reporting Currency

    Select your reporting currency. The default value is the functional currency of the primary ledger.

    Note: The Reporting/Secondary Ledger Name is activated only if the currency is NOT the ledger currency.

    Register Type

    Select any of these register types:

    • Issued invoices register

    • Received invoices register

    • Intra-EU invoices register

    • All

    From Date

    Select a date.

    To Date

    Select a date.

    Transaction Status

    Select Modified for reporting the modifications to transactions that are already submitted.

    Selection Mode

    Select one of these options:

    • Review: To verify your report before submission.

    • Report: To submit your report directly.

Use the Online VAT Reporting for Spain process to perform these actions:

  • If Register Type is Issued Invoices Register, the process selects AR transactions that have M (Modified) status and generates an output file in a predefined format for this register type. The process also initiates payments message creation for any payments corresponding to deferred tax transactions in the selected date range.
  • If the Selection Mode is Review, the XML messages are created for your review. These messages indicate review only status and should not be submitted to the Tax Authority.
  • If the Selection Mode is Report, the XML messages are created for submission. These messages are submitted to the Tax Authority. The transactions and payment applications are updated as submitted if the Selection Mode is Report.

The transactions and payment applications are updated as submitted if the Selection Mode is ‘Report’.

Transaction Status (GDF) is updated as ‘S’ (Submitted)

Date Last Updated is updated with the system date.

This table shows the processes that are submitted depending on the register selected as parameter:

Register Name

Processes Submitted

Entities Updated After Submission

Issued Invoices Register

Invoices for the Issued Invoices Register

Receivables Invoices

Issued Invoices Register

Collections for the Received Invoices Register

Receipt Applications

Received Invoiced Register

Invoices for the Received Invoices Register

Payables Invoices

Received Invoiced Register

Payments for the Received Invoices Register

Payment Applications

Selected Intra-EU Transactions Register

Selected Intra-EU Transactions Register

Receivables and Payables Invoices